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Mielocintilografia com RIHSA no diagnóstico de processos patológicos intra-raqueanos
O estudo de 214 mielocintilografias feitas em 200 pacientes permitiu aos autores chegar às seguintes conclusões: 1) a mielocintilografia com RIHSA - 131I oferece novas possibilidades no campo do diagnóstico neurológico, principalmente no que tange aos processos expansivos, inflamatorios e malformações, sendo limitadas suas possibilidades no diagnóstico de hérnias dos núcleos pulposos; 2) a mielocintilografia não substitui métodos mielográficos convencionais, os dois métodos devendo ser usados de maneira a se completarem; 3) há casos em que a mielocintilografia com RIHSA apresenta vantagem sobre a mielografia com os meios de contraste positivos, principalmente no diagnóstico de aracnoidites,…
Calcification of the intracranial carotid artery and its relation to the clinical and angiographic picture: an angiographic classification of asteriosclerosis cerebri
Fifty six patients with arteriosclerosis cerebri confirmed by X-rays examinations were clinically and angiographically studied. Calcifications of the carotid artery were found predominantly in human beings between the ages of 55 and 65 and more often among men than among women, the proportion being 2.5 to 1. Nearly all arteriosclerotic patients with calcium deposits in the carotid artery showed several neurological and mental deficits, the most frequent initial symptoms being motor disturbances. Angiographic anormalities found in these patients can be classed into 3 groups: (a) grade I— wavy course of the cerebral vessels, small number of peripheral brain vessels, formation of small knots, …