Comparison of ultrasound and bone mineral density assessment of the calcaneus with different regions of interest in healthy early menopausal women.
This study investigated the effect of different sized regions of interest (ROIs) on quantitative ultrasound (QUS) variables of the calcaneus. The effect on QUS of using a fixed ROI as opposed to an ROI adjusted for foot length was also assessed. Eighty Caucasian women, aged 50-57 yr (mean 53 +/- 2) who were healthy and within 0. 5-5 yr of the onset of menopause participated in this study. Using the QUS-1(trade mark) Ultrasonometer (Metra Biosystems, Mountain View, CA), we assessed broadband ultrasound attenuation ([BUA] and UBI-4, dB/MHz), the average transit time through the heel ([TTH], mus) and a multiple-factor index (UBI-4T = UBI-4/TTH, dB/[MHz. mus]). The QUS measurement results were …