M.n. Rebelo
New Physics and Evidence for a Complex CKM
We carefully analyse the present experimental evidence for a complex CKM matrix, even allowing for New Physics contributions to $\epsilon_{K}$, $a_{J/\Psi K_S}$, $\Delta M_{B_{d}}$, $\Delta M_{B_{s}}$, and the $\Delta I=1/2$ piece of $B\to\rho\rho$ and $B\to\rho\pi$. We emphasize the crucial r\^ ole played by the angle $\gamma$ in both providing irrefutable evidence for a complex CKM matrix and placing constraints on the size of NP contributions. It is shown that even if one allows for New Physics a real CKM matrix is excluded at a 99.92% C.L., and the probability for the phase $\gamma$ to be in the interval $[-170^\circ;-10^\circ]\cup [10^\circ;170^\circ]$ is 99.7%.
Leptonic CP violation with massless neutrinos
Abstract Leptonic CP violation may arise in the SU(2) ⊗ U(1) theory even if the neutrinos are strictly massless and, as a result, it is potentially large. Theoretical scenarios include isosinglet neutral heavy leptons which are present in many extensions of the standard electroweak theory such as superstring inspired models. We discuss in detail the nature of this CP violation and show that it can occur in a two-generation model. Possible effects are briefly discussed.