Horst A. Welker

Atypical 24-hour rhythms of serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity in the rat pineal gland.

Previous long-term studies have shown that in the pineal gland of rats melatonin synthesis is subject to infradian rhythms with periods between 4 and 7 days. Since in these studies melatonin-related parameters were measured at one timepoint of a 24-hr cycle only, the aim of the present investigation was to extend these experiments by more frequent sampling, to characterize the infradian rhythmicity in more detail. Male Sprague-Dawley rats kept under a light schedule of LD 12:12 (lights on at 0700) were killed at 6-hr intervals on 8 consecutive days. After decapitation the pineal gland was rapidly dissected out, followed by measurements of one of the melatonin-forming enzymes, serotonin N-ac…

research product

No Correlation of Pineal "Synaptic" Ribbon Numbers and Melatonin Formation in Individual Rat Pineal Glands

As previous circadian studies of pineal "synaptic" ribbon numbers and melatonin formation suggested that a positive correlation of the two variables exists, in the present investigation this problem was examined in individual pineal glands of rats killed at 1200 h and 2400 h, respectively. For this purpose, one half of the gland was processed for electron microscopy and the ribbons were counted in an area of 20,000 micron2 tissue; in the other half serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity and melatonin content were determined. No correlation was found to exist between ribbon numbers and pineal NAT activity, pineal melatonin levels and serum melatonin levels, either at day- or at nightti…

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