Joan Noguera

Aligning Inner Peripheries with rural development in Italy: Territorial evidence to support policy contextualization

Abstract Inner Peripheries is a recent concept based on both peripherality and marginality features, thus far from the commonly adopted geographical notion of periphery. Inner Peripheries are fragile territories covering rural Europe, which suffer from depopulation, low economic potential, and weak territorial cohesion. However, these territories are extremely important for the provision of goods and services, and the stewardship of natural and semi-natural environments. Such dichotomous condition poses several challenges for planning in the EU context, particularly regarding the implementation of the Rural Development Policy. Therefore, current planning needs to contextualize the policy im…

research product

Los hábitos de movilidad en la Universitat de València (2005-2006). Problemas de acceso a los campus y sostenibilidad

Las pautas de movilidad cotidiana entre lugar de residencia y lugar de trabajo o estudio son un elemento fundamental de la calidad de vida de los universitarios, con notables implicaciones para la sostenibilidad urbana y la protección del medio ambiente. Desde esta noble perspectiva, este estudio presenta y analiza los resultados de la I Encuesta sobre Hábitos de Movilidad de la Universitat de València (2005-2006). Los universitarios hacen un uso notable del transporte colectivo, pero en los últimos años se está produciendo un cierto abandono de algunos modos de transporte público, que no es compensado por el mayor uso de la bicicleta. Se hace así necesaria la elaboración de una Plan de Mov…

research product

Nuevos factores de desarrollo territorial

El análisis de los nuevos componentes que influyen en la generación y localización de actividad económica y de desarrollo territorial (los nuevos factores de desarrollo territorial o NFDT) es fundamental para comprender mejor su función y relevancia en la reducción o consolidación de la desventaja que muestran los territorios periféricos frente a los centros económicos. La diferencia principal entre los NFDT y los tradicionales de localización de actividad económica es que su existencia y «calidad» están en relación con factores sociales y culturales que forman parte de la idiosincrasia particular de un territorio, por lo que no son fácilmente trasladables a otros territorios. Las implicaci…

research product

Sustainable Development and the Practice of Spatial Planning: A Proposal of Criteria for Measuring the Overall Sustainability of Planning Actions in Open Public Urban Spaces

The sustainable city debate is gaining ground in recent years, featuring as a prominent issue in several policy documents of the European Commission, and enjoying support by the main organisations and institutions at international level. At the same time, improving local governance standards by involving citizens in local decision-making is a recurring issue in the debate on local democracy and enhancement of community cohesion. This paper presents an analysis of the European experience and best practice relating sustainable development to the day-to-day practice of spatial planning. The overall purpose is creating a proposal of indicators for measuring the sustainability of planning action…

research product

A more efficient match between firms’ demand, VET supply and human capital capacities through bottom-up, participative governance

Abstract One of the main challenges facing EU territories is the development of strategies to better adapt to changing global socio-economic trends. Lifelong education and training is a main strategic tool and a key component in the achievement of EU goals. One component of the lifelong education concept is Vocational Education and Training (VET), aimed at closing the gap between workers’ skills and qualification and changing demand in labour markets. Although local partnerships seem to be an adequate tool to implement VET strategies, some authors identify obstacles that can be attributed to bad practices. Thus, more evidence is needed to support the idea that local development and public-p…

research product

An analysis on the subjective perception of policy action on peripherality: A comparative assessment in accessible and peripheral areas of six countries of the EU

The paper presents an analysis of the subjective perception of the policy efficiency on peripherality in 12 regions of six countries of the EU. In each country two regions are selected: one peripheral but relatively dynamic and another accessible but relatively lagging. Public action conditions a range of processes and activities that continuously influence the intensity and direction of development. It can be part of the new factors of territorial development (NFTD) building up or hindering peripherality. The paper has the following aims: to identify what generic types of measures are believed to be more efficient for development; to analyse which measures (spatial or aspatial) are conside…

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