Andrea Zambarda

Quark exchange in deep inelastic scattering

We use a model for baryons that links the constituent structure to the deep inelastic (current) properties. The approach consists in a laboratory partonic description (based on a model of hadron structure), to which a low momentum scaleQ 0 is adscribed, which is evolved to high momenta by means of the renormalization group. A generalization of the model by means of the hadronic quark cluster decomposition, provides a description of the structure functions of nuclei and is the starting point to study the effects that the antisymmetrization at the quark level has on the structure function of a model deuteron. The analysis contains conventional and high momentum partonic components. We next st…

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We use a laboratory frame description based on quark model wave functions to study the parton distributions in the nucleon. The present approach incorporates two major improvements, namely, it has the correct support and the renormalization group evolution is carried out to next-to-leading order. We obtain initially the parton distributions arising from the Isgur-Karl wave function. The failure of the latter to reproduce, even approximately, the data motivates us to analyze different scenarios, i.e. additional high momentum components and nonvanishing gluon distributions at the initial scale. We conclude that in order to understand data at various scales complex models simultaneously, it i…

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A model study of nuclear structure functions

We calculate the structure function for a deuteron using the hadronic quark cluster decomposition. By assuming that nuclei might be composed of quasi deuterons, we study their structure functions. The procedure enables a quantum mechanical parametrization of various scenarios, among them nuclear dynamics and nucleon swelling. Moreover it is specially suited to study quark exchange effects. We show, within a scheme where perturbative evolution effects are minimized, that the region around x=1 is very sensitive to these two mechanisms and their effects can be disentangled.

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Constituent quarks and parton distributions

Abstract The high energy parton distribution when evolved to a low energy scale appears to indicate that a valence picture of hadron structure arises. We have developed a formalism based on a laboratory partonic description which connects the parton distributions with the momentum distributions of a quark model. The formalism uses Next to Leading Order evolution and has been defined to produce the right support for the parton distributions. In this scheme we have analyzed the polarized and unpolarized data and shown that well-known Quark Models lead to a qualitative description of the data. However, if one aims at a quantitative agreement, these conventional low energy models have to be cha…

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