Miguel-angel Sanchis-lozano
QQ-onia package: a numerical solution to the Schrodinger radial equation for heavy quarkonium
30 pages, 3 figures.-- ISI article identifier:000265158700009.-- ArXiv pre-print avaible at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.2704
Heavy quark flavour dependence of multiparticle production in QCD jets
After inserting the heavy quark mass dependence into QCD partonic evolution equations, we determine the mean charged hadron multiplicity and second multiplicity correlators of jets produced in high energy collisions. We thereby extend the so-called dead cone effect to the phenomenology of multiparticle production in QCD jets and find that the average multiplicity of heavy-quark initiated jets decreases significantly as compared to the massless case, even taking into account the weak decay products of the leading primary quark. We emphasize the relevance of our study as a complementary check of b-tagging techniques at hadron colliders like the Tevatron and the LHC.
Searching for new physics in bottomonium decays
Heavy quarkonium decays can be used to search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model. In particular, a light Higgs boson could induce a slight (but observable) lepton universality breaking in Upsilon decays. In fact, current experimental data from CLEO presented in this Conference seem to point out to this direction within experimental accuracy. Moreover, LEP constraints on a light Higgs mass can be evaded by different models (like MSSM with a CPV Higgs sector) as shown in this Conference. We also consider spectroscopic consequences stemming from a possible mixing between Higgs and bottomonium states leading to discrepancies with the SM expectations (e.g. hyperfine splittings).
Searching for hidden sectors in multiparticle production at the LHC
Most signatures of new physics in colliders have been studied so far on the transverse plane with respect to the beam direction. In this work however we study the impact of a hidden sector beyond the Standard Model (SM) on inclusive (pseudo)rapidity correlations and moments of the multiplicity distributions, with special emphasis in the LHC results.
Bottomonium Production at the Tevatron and the LHC
Inclusive bottomonium hadroproduction at the Tevatron is firstly examined in a Monte Carlo framework with the colour-octet mechanism implemented in the event generation. We extract some NRQCD colour-octet matrix elements relevant for $\Upsilon(1S)$ hadroproduction. Remarkably we find a quite small contribution (compatible with zero) from feeddown of $\chi_{bJ}$ states produced through the colour-octet mechanism: $\Upsilon(1S)$ indirect production via $\chi_{bJ}$ decays should be mainly ascribed to the colour-singlet model. Finally we extrapolate to LHC energies to predict prompt $\Upsilon(1S)$ production rates.
Proposal for Testing Lepton Universality in Upsilon Decays at a B Factory Running at Υ(3S)
We present a proposal for detecting new physics at a B-factory running at the $\Upsilon(3S)$ resonance by testing lepton universality to the few percent level in the leptonic decays of the $\Upsilon(1S)$ and $\Upsilon(2S)$ resonances tagged by the dipion in the chain decay: $\Upsilon(3S) \to pi^+\pi^-\Upsilon(1S,2S)$; $\Upsilon(1S,2S) \to \ell^+\ell^-$, $\ell=e,\mu,\tau$.
Possible lepton universality breaking in Upsilon decays: a light CP-odd Higgs interpretation and consequences
A light CP-odd Higgs boson mixing with η b hadronic resonances can show up by inducing a slight but observable lepton universality breaking in Upsilon decays. Besides, hyperfine splittings m ϒ ( n S ) − m η b ( n S ) might also be sensitive to the mixing providing another hint of the existence of such a light pseudoscalar Higgs. On the other hand, recent findings from astroparticle and cosmology favouring a light dark matter constituent (with mass about 10 GeV or less) cast a new interest into the search for invisible decays of ϒ resonances performed at B factories.
Bottomoniom spectroscopy with mixing of eta_b states and a light CP-odd Higgs
The mass of the eta_b(1S), measured recently by BABAR, is significantly lower than expected from QCD predictions for the Upsilon(1S) - eta_b(1S) hyperfine splitting. We suggest that the observed eta_b(1S) mass is shifted downwards due to a mixing with a CP-odd Higgs scalar A with a mass m_A in the range 9.4 - 10.5 GeV compatible with LEP, CLEO and BABAR constraints. We determine the resulting predictions for the spectrum of the eta_b(nS) - A system and the branching ratios into tau^+ tau^- as functions of m_A.
Hunting a light CP- odd non-standard Higgs boson through its tauonic decay at a (Super) B factory
Several scenarios beyond the minimal extension of the Standard Model still allow light non-standard Higgs bosons evading LEP bounds. We examine the mixing between a light CP-odd Higgs boson and $\eta_b$ states and its implications on a slight (but observable) lepton universality breaking in Upsilon decays which could be measured at the percent level at a (Super) B factory.
Radiative Gamma decays and a light pseudoscalar Higgs in the NMSSM
20 pages, 11 Figs.-- ISI article identifier:000265578400061.-- ArXiv pre-print avaible at:http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/0810.4736
Three-particle correlations in QCD parton showers
Three-particle correlations in quark and gluon jets are computed for the first time in perturbative QCD. We give results in the double logarithmic approximation and the modified leading logarithmic approximation. In both resummation schemes, we use the formalism of the generating functional and solve the evolution equations analytically from the steepest descent evaluation of the one-particle distribution. We thus provide a further test of the local parton hadron duality and make predictions for the LHC.
Three-particle correlations in QCD jets and beyond
In this paper, we present a more detailed version of our previous work for three-particle correlations in quark and gluon jets [1]. We give theoretical results for this observable in the double logarithmic approximation and the modified leading logarithmic approximation. In both resummation schemes, we use the formalism of the generating functional and solve the evolution equations analytically from the steepest descent evaluation of the one-particle distribution. In addition, in this paper we include predictions beyond the limiting spectrum approximation and study this observable near the hump of the single inclusive distribution. We thus provide a further test of the local parton hadron d…
Non-perturbative QCD effects in $\eta_c$ and $\eta_b$ decays into baryons and WIMP scattering off nuclei
In this work we estimate the helicity suppressed decay rates of $\eta_b$ resonances into baryon pairs due to instanton-induced effects by rescaling the corresponding partial widths of the experimentally measured branching ratios for the $\eta_c(1S) \to p\bar{p}$ and $\eta_c(1S) \to \Lambda\bar(\Lambda)$ decay modes. Thus we point out that both $\eta_b(1S) \to p\bar{p}$ and $\eta_b(1S) \to \Lambda\bar(\Lambda)$ channels could be detected at a Super B factory and LHC experiments. Furthermore, we examine related instanton-induced effects on WIMP scattering off nuclei concluding, albeit with large uncertainties, that they might enhance the spin-dependent cross section for a light pseudoscalar H…
Searching for new physics with three-particle correlations in pp collisions at the LHC
New phenomena involving pseudorapidity and azimuthal correlations among final state particles in $pp$ collisions at the LHC can hint at the existence of hidden sectors beyond the Standard Model. In this paper we rely on a correlated-cluster picture of multiparticle production, which was shown to account for the ridge effect, to assess the effect of a hidden sector on three-particle correlations concluding that there is a potential signature of new physics that can be directly tested by experiments using well-known techniques.
Spectroscopy, leptonic decays and the nature of heavy quarkonia
We examine the electronic width ratios of Upsilon resonances below the BBbar threshold by means of an effective (Cornell-type) QCD potential incorporating 1/m_b corrections obtained from a prior fit to the bottomonium spectrum. From our analysis we conclude that the Upsilon(2S) and Upsilon(3S) states should belong to the strong-coupling (nonperturbative) regime while the Upsilon(1S) state should belong to the weak-coupling (perturbative) regime, in agreement with a previous study based on radiative decays.
Prospects for probing the gluon density in protons using heavy quarkonium hadroproduction
We examine carefully bottomonia hadroproduction in proton colliders, especially focusing on the LHC, as a way of probing the gluon density in protons. To this end we develop some previous work, getting quantitative predictions and concluding that our proposal can be useful to perform consistency checks of the parameterization sets of different parton distribution functions.
Prospects of searching for (un)particles from Hidden Sectors using rapidity correlations in multiparticle production at the LHC
Most signatures of new physics have been studied on the transverse plane with respect to the beam direction at the LHC where background is much reduced. In this paper we propose the analysis of inclusive longitudinal (pseudo) rapidity correlations among final-state (charged) particles in order to search for (un)particles belonging to a hidden sector beyond the Standard Model, using a selected sample of p-p minimum bias events (applying appropriate off-line cuts on events based on, e.g. minijets, high-multiplicity, event shape variables, high-p(perpendicular to) leptons and photons, etc.) collected at the early running of the LHC. To this aim, we examine inclusive and semi-inclusive two-part…
Searching for a hidden sector in multiparticle production at LHC
A hidden sector beyond the Standard Model can show up in multiparticle production altering inclusive correlations and factorial cumulants of multiplicity distributions. In this report such a study is advocated with a special emphasis on the searches at LHC.
A comment on heavy-quark effective fields
Effective fields defined in the heavy-quark effective theory to describe heavy quarks in heavy-light hadrons are examined in some detail in the standard formulation of a quantum field theory.
Motivated by the Goldbach conjecture in Number Theory and the abelian bosonization mechanism on a cylindrical two-dimensional spacetime we study the reconstruction of a real scalar field as a product of two real fermion (so-called \textit{prime}) fields whose Fourier expansion exclusively contains prime modes. We undertake the canonical quantization of such prime fields and construct the corresponding Fock space by introducing creation operators $b_{p}^{\dag}$ --labeled by prime numbers $p$-- acting on the vacuum. The analysis of our model, based on the standard rules of quantum field theory and the assumption of the Riemann hypothesis, allow us to prove that the theory is not renormalizabl…
J/psi Production at the LHC
We firstly examine hadroproduction of prompt J/psi's at the Fermilab Tevatron in a Monte Carlo Framework by means of the event generator PYTHIA 5.7 in which those colour-octet matrix elements processes relevant for charmonium production have been implemented accordingly. We find that colour-octet matrix elements presented in literature from p-pbar collider data are systematically overestimated due to overlooking of the effective primordial transverse momentum of partons (i.e. including higher-order QCD effects). We estimate the size of these effects using different parton distribution functions. Finally, after normalization to Tevatron data, we extrapolate up to LHC energies making a predic…
Cosmological analogies in the search for new physics in high-energy collisions
In this paper, analogies between multiparticle production in high-energy collisions and the time evolution of the early universe are discussed. A common explanation is put forward under the assumption of an unconventional early state: a rapidly expanding universe before recombination (last scattering surface), followed by the CMB, later evolving up to present days, versus the formation of hidden/dark states in hadronic collisions followed by a conventional QCD parton shower yielding final-state particles. In particular, long-range angular correlations are considered pointing out deep connections between the two physical cases potentially useful for the discovery of new physics.
Power scaling rules for charmonia production and HQEFT
We discuss the power scaling rules along the lines of a complete Heavy Quark Effective Field Theory (HQEFT) for the description of heavy quarkonium production through a color-octet mechanism. To this end, we firstly derive a tree-level heavy quark effective Lagrangian keeping both particle-antiparticle mixed sectors allowing for heavy quark-antiquark pair annihilation and creation, but describing only low-energy modes around the heavy quark mass. Then we show the consistency of using HQEFT fields in constructing four-fermion local operators a la NRQCD, to be identified with standard color-octet matrix elements. We analyze some numerical values extracted from charmonia production by differen…