Suvi Ravi
Valmentajan ravitsemusosaaminen tukee urheilijan terveyttä ja suorituskykyä
Ravitsemustiedon välittäjinä valmentajat ovat tärkeitä. Heidän osaamisessaan on kuitenkin parantamisen varaa. nonPeerReviewed
Eating behaviours, menstrual history and the athletic career: a retrospective survey from adolescence to adulthood in female endurance athletes
AimTo evaluate differences in menstrual and pubertal history and trends in eating behaviours among women with and without a competitive sports background. Additionally, we investigated if menstrual history and eating behaviours are associated with sports career-related factors.MethodsThis retrospective study was conducted on 100 women with a competitive endurance sports background and their age-matched, gender-matched and municipality-matched controls (n=98). Data were collected using a questionnaire using previously validated instruments. Generalised estimating equations were used to calculate associations of menstrual history and eating behaviours with outcome variables (career length, pa…
Self-Reported Restrictive Eating, Eating Disorders, Menstrual Dysfunction, and Injuries in Athletes Competing at Different Levels and Sports
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of self-reported restrictive eating, current or past eating disorder, and menstrual dysfunction and their relationships with injuries. Furthermore, we aimed to compare these prevalences and associations between younger (aged 15–24) and older (aged 25–45) athletes, between elite and non-elite athletes, and between athletes competing in lean and non-lean sports. Data were collected using a web-based questionnaire. Participants were 846 female athletes representing 67 different sports. Results showed that 25%, 18%, and 32% of the athletes reported restrictive eating, eating disorders, and menstrual dysfunction, respectively. Higher ra…
Adolescent Sport Participation and Age at Menarche in Relation to Midlife Body Composition, Bone Mineral Density, Fitness, and Physical Activity
This study aimed to investigate the associations of competitive sport participation in adolescence and age at menarche (AAM) with body composition, femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD), physical performance, and physical activity (PA) in middle-aged women. 1098 women aged 47&ndash
Energian saatavuuden, luuterveyden ja seerumin hormonipitoisuuksien yhteydet nuorilla kestävyysjuoksijoilla
Energian saatavuudella (EA) tarkoitetaan sitä energiamäärää, joka henkilöllä on käytössä metabolisiin prosesseihin. Käytännössä EA lasketaan vähentämällä päivän aikana nautitusta energiasta harjoitteluun käytetty energia ja jakamalla erotus henkilön rasvattomalla massalla. Matala EA on urheilijoilla suhteellisen yleistä ja se heikentää urheilijan terveyttä mm. vaikuttamalla haitallisesti luun mineraalitiheyteen sekä lisääntymisterveyteen. Lisäksi alhainen EA voi lisätä riskiä vammoille. Matalan EA:n vaikutuksista erilaisiin hormoneihin ei kuitenkaan tiedetä vielä tarpeeksi ja lisäksi aihetta on tutkittu naisilla huomattavasti enemmän kuin miehillä. Aihetta ei myöskään aiemmin ole juurikaan …
Menstrual dysfunction and body weight dissatisfaction among Finnish young athletes and non-athletes.
To determine the prevalence of menstrual dysfunction (MD; i.e. oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea) and attitudes towards body weight among athletes and non‐athletes, we studied a cohort of athletes and non‐athletes, in adolescence (14–16 years) and subsequently in young adulthood (18–20 years). We further studied the differences between athletes reporting MD and eumenorrheic athletes at both time periods and identified physical and behavioural characteristicsthat might predict MD in young adulthood. Data were collected using questionnaires, accelerometers, and a pre‐participation screening. In adolescence, the athletes reported current primary amenorrhea more often than the non‐athletes (4.7% vs.…