M.c. Lemoine
Biotization of microplants for improved performance
International audience
Influence of arbuscular and ericoïd mycorrhiza formation on level of photosynthetic pigments in host plants
International audience
Microbial inoculation for improving the growth and health of micropropagated strawberry
Multimicrobial inoculation has been proposed as a way of protecting plants against environmental stress and increasing the sustainability of plant production. To study these possibilities in a micropropagation system, microplants of strawberry, Fragaria × ananssa, were inoculated or left uninoculated with five microorganisms ( Glomus mosseae BEG29, Bacillus subtilis M3, Trichoderma harzianumDB11, Pseudomonas fluorescensC7r12 and Gliocladium catenulatumGliomix ® ), used either singly or in dual mixtures in the presence or absence of the strawberry diseases crown rot ( Phytophthora cactorum) and red stele (P. fragariae). Finnish light Sphagnum peat was used as the growth substrate in the expe…
Lutte biologique chez le framboisier : résultats prometteurs et intérêt potentiel de lutte contre Phytophthora fragariae var. Rubi
National audience