Jean Thioulouse

Diversité des communautés microbiennes telluriques à l'échelle du territoire national

Communication orale - résumé Session 5 : sols, biodiversité, écologie fontionnelleCommunication orale - résumé Session 5 : sols, biodiversité, écologie fontionnelle; absent

research product

Biogeographical patterns of soil molecular microbial biomass as influenced by soil characteristics and management

Aim The spatial organization of soil microbial communities on large scales and the identification of environmental factors structuring their distribution have been little investigated. The overall objective of this study was to determine the spatial patterning of microbial biomass in soils over a wide extent and to rank the environmental filters most influencing this distribution.

research product

Biogeographical patterns of soil molecular microbial biomass

Affiche - résumé. Session GC: Microbes in the Changing Environmenl: Global Climate Change and Soif under Human Impact; International audience; The spatial organization of soil microbial communities over large areas and the identification of environmental factors structuring their distribution have been liUle investigated. The overall objective of this study was to determine the spatial paUerning of microbial biomass in soils on wide extent and to rank the environmental fiUers most influencing this distribution, by using the French Soil Quality Monitoring Network. This network covers ail the French terrilory and soils were sampled at2,150 sites along a systematic grid sampling. The soil DNA …

research product

Spatial processes driving soil microbial community assembly on a wide scale

International audience; Soil houses a huge biodiversity involved in ecological services through microbial community assembly. However, processes driving soil microbial community assembly are still scarcely understood, particularly the relative importance of environmental heterogeneity regarding to dispersal limitations. This can be achieved through studying the determinism of taxa-area relationship (TAR, how community composition change with geographic distance), a fundamental relationship in ecology. Here, a biogeographical approach was applied on a wide scale to evaluate TAR for soil bacterial and fungal communities and to partition their spatial variations into environmental heterogeneit…

research product

Characterization of Bacterial and Fungal Soil Communities by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis Fingerprints: Biological and Methodological Variability

ABSTRACT Automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) was used to characterise bacterial (B-ARISA) and fungal (F-ARISA) communities from different soil types. The 16S-23S intergenic spacer region from the bacterial rRNA operon was amplified from total soil community DNA for B-ARISA. Similarly, the two internal transcribed spacers and the 5.8S rRNA gene (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) from the fungal rRNA operon were amplified from total soil community DNA for F-ARISA. Universal fluorescence-labeled primers were used for the PCRs, and fragments of between 200 and 1,200 bp were resolved on denaturing polyacrylamide gels by use of an automated sequencer with laser detection. Methodological (DNA extracti…

research product

Le projet ECOMIC-RMQS ou comment faire de la microbiogéographie à l'échelle de la France

research product

Biogeography of soil microbial communities: a review and a description of the ongoing french national initiative

International audience; Microbial biogeography is the study of the distribution of microbial diversity on large scales of space and time. This science aims at understanding biodiversity regulation and its link with ecosystem biological functioning, goods and services such as maintenance of productivity, of soil and atmospheric quality, and of soil health. Although the initial concept dates from the early 20th century (Beijerinck (1913) De infusies en de ontdekking der backterien, in: Jaarboek van de Knoniklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Muller, Amsterdam), only recently have an increasing number of studies have investigated the biogeographical patterns of soil microbial diversity. A such …

research product

Heterogeneous cell density and genetic structure of bacterial pools associated with various microenvironments as determined by enumeration and DNA fingerprinting approach (RISA)

International audience

research product

Approche qualitative et quantitative de l'effet de la jachère sur des populations de champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules

National audience

research product

The mycorrhizal soil infectivity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore communities in soils of different aged fallows in Senegal

This work was carried out to determine the influence of the duration of fallow and of physico-chemical components of soils on the distribution of endomycorrhizal fungal spores and the mycorrhizal soil infectivity. The mycorrhization of indigenous plants from the fallows was examined and it was concluded that, except for Cassia obtusifolia, fungal colonization was poorly developed. No correlation was established between spore populations and duration of fallow or between grazed and fenced areas. The relationships between abundance of mycorrhizal spores and the physico-chemical characteristics of the soils were markedly variable among species of mycorrhizal fungi. The results did not provide …

research product

Relationships between Staphylococcus aureus genetic background, virulence factors, agr groups (alleles), and human disease

ABSTRACT The expression of most Staphylococcus aureus virulence factors is controlled by the agr locus, which encodes a two-component signaling pathway whose activating ligand is an agr -encoded autoinducing peptide (AIP). A polymorphism in the amino acid sequence of the AIP and of its corresponding receptor divides S. aureus strains into four major groups. Within a given group, each strain produces a peptide that can activate the agr response in the other member strains, whereas the AIPs belonging to different groups are usually mutually inhibitory. We investigated a possible relationship between agr groups and human S. aureus disease by studying 198 S. aureus strains isolated from 14 asym…

research product

Microbial-biogeography at the scale of France by the use of molecular tools applied to the French soil quality monitoring network (RMQS)

International audience

research product

Biogéographie Microbienne: mythe ou réalité ?

National audience; Bien que les microorganismes soient les organismes les plus diversifiés et les plus abondants de notre planète, le déterminisme de leur diversification et de leur distribution spatiale à petite, comme à grande échelle, est très peu documenté. Ce manque d’intégration de l’échelle spatiale en écologie microbienne limite l’application des concepts développés en biogéographie pour les macro-organismes tels que la bêta-diversité (comment la composition des communautés change à l’échelle du paysage), qui est centrale pour la compréhension de la régulation et de l’évolution de la biodiversité en fonction des paramètres du milieu. Par conséquent, il est impossible à ce jour de dé…

research product

Biogeographical patterns of soil bacterial communities.

International audience; This study provides the first maps of variations in bacterial community structure on a broad scale based on genotyping of DNA extracts from 593 soils from four different regions of France (North, Brittany, South-East and Landes). Soils were obtained from the soil library of RMQS (Réseau de Mesures de la Qualité des Sols = French soil quality monitoring network). The relevance of a biogeographic approach for studying bacterial communities was demonstrated by the great variability in community structure and specific geographical patterns within and between the four regions. The data indicated that the distribution of bacterial community composition might be more relate…

research product

Influence du type de sol et du mode d’occupation des sols sur la quantité d’ADN extraite et la densité des communautés bactériennes indigènes

National audience

research product

Soil fungal communities ecology: a biogeographical approach

Affiche, résumé; International audience

research product

Distribution et déterminisme de la diversité des communautés de champignons telluriques à l'échelle de trois régions françaises

aeres : C-ACTN; National audience; no abstract

research product

A mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species delineation using AFLP.

The delineation of bacterial species is presently achieved using direct DNA-DNA relatedness studies of whole genomes. It would be helpful to obtain the same genomically based delineation by indirect methods, provided that descriptions of individual genome composition of bacterial genomes are obtained and included in species descriptions. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique could provide the necessary data if the nucleotides involved in restriction and amplification are fundamental to the description of genomic divergences. Firstly, in order to verify that AFLP analysis permits a realistic exploration of bacterial genome composition, the strong correspondence between …

research product

Ecomic - RMQs : Cartographie de la diversité microbienne des sols à l'échelle de la France

aeres : C-AFF; National audience; no abstract

research product

A soil microscale study to reveal the heterogeneity of Hg (II) impact on indigenous bacteria by quantification of adapted phenotypes and analysis of community DNA fingerprints

International audience

research product