The role of fissula ante fenestram in unilateral sudden hearing loss
The cause of unilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) remains unclear in many clinical cases. Perilymphatic leakage through a fissula ante fenestram (FAF) fistula is one possible reason. We present four clinical cases with proven FAF fistula, discovered during surgical exploration. All patients experienced partial hearing recovery after surgical coverage of the fistula. We suggest FAF as a possible site for perilymphatic leakage, representing an anatomical correlate for sudden unilateral SNHL. We recommend early exploratory tympanotomy with special attention to the bony region, anterior to the oval window, in cases of severe sudden SNHL and suspected FAF.
Norm values for eosinophil cationic protein in nasal secretions: influence of specimen collection
Background Eosinophil granulocytes play an important role in allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) is a specific eosinophil granule protein released upon activation of these cells. ECP concentration in nasal secretions has been demonstrated to be a good marker for the activity of eosinophilic nasal mucosal inflammation. The clinical use of such a marker requires defined values which are regarded as pathological or within normal range. In analyses of nasal secretion samples, the sampling method has an important influence on the data obtained. Objective We investigated ECP levels in nasal secretions (NS) of healthy volunteers obtained by seven different …
Tree-pollen allergy is efficiently treated by short-term immunotherapy (STI) with seven preseasonal injections of molecular standardized allergens.
The efficacy and tolerance of short-term immunotherapy (STI) by seven preseasonal injections of tree-pollen allergens (ALK7 Fruhbluhermischung) was investigated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study with 111 rhinoconjunctivitis patients. Nasal and bronchial symptoms simultaneously analyzed, and nasal symptoms as a single end point, but not the overall score of nasal, bronchial, and conjunctival symptoms, showed a significantly lower increase with STI during birch-pollen exposure (both P=0.033, n=105, Mann-Whitney U-test). However, a selective analysis with patients from centers with high recruitment figures (n> or =10 patients, n=29 STI, n=32 placebo) showed a significant…