Wiria Soltanpoor

Preparation and Characterization of Mixed Halide MAPbI 3− x Cl x Perovskite Thin Films by Three‐Source Vacuum Deposition

research product

Preparation and Characterization of Mixed Halide MAPbI3−xClx Perovskite Thin Films by Three‐Source Vacuum Deposition

Chloride has been extensively used in the preparation of metal halide perovskites such as methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3-xClx), but its persistence and role in solution-processed materials has not yet been rationalized. Multiple-source vacuum deposition of perovskites enables a fine control over the thin-film stoichiometry, and allows to incorporate chemical species irrespectively of their solubility. In this communication, we present the first example of mixed MAPbI3-xClx thin films prepared by three-source vacuum deposition using MAI, PbI2 and PbCl2 as precursors. The optoelectronic properties of the material are evaluated through photovoltaic and electro-/photo-luminescent characteri…

research product

Hybrid Vapor-Solution Sequentially Deposited Mixed-Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

The recent sky-rocketing performance of perovskite solar cells has triggered a strong interest in further upgrading the fabrication techniques to meet the scalability requirements of the photovoltaic industry. The integration of vapor-deposition into the solution process in a sequential fashion can boost the uniformity and reproducibility of the perovskite solar cells. Besides, mixed-halide perovskites have exhibited outstanding crystallinity as well as higher stability compared with iodide-only perovskite. An extensive study was carried out to identify a reproducible process leading to highly crystalline perovskite films that when integrated into solar cells exhibited high power conversion…

research product

Guideline for Optical Optimization of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells

Organometallic halide perovskite solar cells have emerged as a versatile photovoltaic technology with soaring efficiencies. Planar configuration in particular, has been a structure of choice thanks to its lower temperature processing, compatibility with tandem solar cells and potential in commercialization. Despite all the breakthroughs in the field, the optical mechanisms leading to highly efficient perovskite solar cells lack profound insight. In this paper, a comprehensive guideline is introduced involving semi-analytical equations for thickness optimization of the front and rear transport layers, perovskite, and transparent conductive oxides to improve the antireflection and light trapp…

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