Jose L. Paya-cano
Assessing Reliability, Heritability and General Cognitive Ability in a Battery of Cognitive Tasks for Laboratory Mice
This report includes the first sibling study of mouse behavior, and presents evidence for a heritable general cognitive ability (g) factor influencing cognitive batteries. Data from a population of male and female outbred mice (n = 84), and a replication study of male sibling pairs (n = 167) are reported. Arenas employed were the T-maze, the Morris water maze, the puzzle box, the Hebb-Williams maze, object exploration, a water plus-maze, and a second food-puzzle arena. The results show a factor structure consistent with the presence of g in mice. Employing one score per arena, this factor accounts for 41% of the variance in the first study (or 36% after sex regression) and 23% in the second…
Evidence for general cognitive ability (g ) in heterogeneous stock mice and an analysis of potential confounds
The heterogeneous stock (HS) is a genetically outbred line of mice established more than 30 years ago from an 8-way cross of C57BL/6, BALB/c, RIII, AKR, DBA/2, I, A/J and C3H inbred mouse strains. The present study compared the performance of 40 HS mice across a battery of diverse cognitive tasks under a variety of motivations. Indices of emotionality were also included in order to assess their influence on performance. All measures of ability loaded positively on an unrotated first principal component that accounted for 31% of the variance, suggesting the presence of a common factor of general cognitive ability (g) underlying all tasks. A first factor derived from anxiety indices correlate…