Antonio Rueda

Clinical-pathological characteristics and short-term follow-up associated with proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis in a prospective cohort of patients with colorectal tumours.

We investigate the clinical and pathological features related to variations in colorectal tumour apoptosis, proliferation and angiogenesis and the influence of the latter in short-term mortality (2 years); 551 tumour samples from a prospective cohort of patients with colorectal cancer were examined and tumour biology markers were determined as follows: percentage of apoptotic cells, by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) dUTP Nick-End Labeling technique; Ki-67 antigen, as a cell proliferation marker and density of microvessels (as a marker of angiogenesis). An increase in the percentage of cellular apoptosis is significantly related to the presence of poorly differentiated tumo…

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Detection methods predict differences in biology and survival in breast cancer patients

Abstract Background The aim of this study was to measure the biological characteristics involved in tumorigenesis and the progression of breast cancer in symptomatic and screen-detected carcinomas to identify possible differences. Methods For this purpose, we evaluated clinical-pathological parameters and proliferative and apoptotic activities in a series of 130 symptomatic and 161 screen-detected tumors. Results After adjustment for the smaller size of the screen-detected carcinomas compared with symptomatic cancers, those detected in the screening program presented longer disease-free survival (RR = 0.43, CI = 0.19-0.96) and had high estrogen and progesterone receptor concentrations more …

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First hospital contact via the Emergency Department is an independent predictor of overall survival and disease-free survival in patients with colorectal cancer

espanolObjeto: el objetivo del presente estudio es examinar la asociacion entre el tipo de admision hospitalaria, la supervivencia y las caracteristicas patologicas de una amplia poblacion de pacientes con cancer colorrectal. Metodos: realizamos un estudio en 1.079 pacientes diagnosticados en el Hospital Costa del Sol de Marbella con cancer colorrectal y evaluamos la relacion entre su tasa de supervivencia y la via por la que realizaron el primer contacto con el hospital (admision programada o de urgencias). Las variables incluidas en nuestro estudio fueron las siguientes: edad, genero, localizacion del tumor, estadio patologico, grado de diferenciacion, quimioterapia previa a la cirugia y …

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Factors Associated with Prolonged Patient-Attributable Delay in the Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer

Purpose The delayed diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) may be attributable to sociodemographic characteristics, to aspects of tumour histopathology or to the functioning of the health system. We seek to determine which of these factors most influences prolonged patient-attributable delay (PPAD) in the diagnosis and treatment of CRC. Materials and methods A prospective, multicentre observational study was conducted in 22 Spanish hospitals. In total, 1,785 patients were recruited to the study between 2010 and 2012 and underwent elective or urgent surgery. PPAD is considered to occur when the time elapsed between a patient presenting the symptom and him/her seeking attention from the primary…

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