Alessandra Quota
Long-term sequential deferiprone-deferoxamine versus deferiprone alone for thalassemia major patients: a randomised clinical trial
A multicentre randomized open-label trial was designed to assess the effectiveness of long-term sequential deferiprone–deferoxamine (DFO–DFP) versus DFP alone to treat thalassaemia major (TM). DFP at 75 mg/kg, divided into three oral daily doses, for 4 d/week and DFO by subcutaneous infusion (8–12 h) at 50 mg/kg per day for the remaining 3 d/week was compared with DFP alone at 75 mg/kg, administered 7 d/week during a 5-year follow-up. The main outcome measures were differences between multiple observations of serum ferritin concentrations. Secondary outcomes were survival analysis, adverse events, and costs. Consecutive thalassaemia patients (275) were assessed for eligibility; 213 of these…
Repeated Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Measurements: A Strong and Accessible Tool for Detecting At High Risk of Heart Failure Thalassemia Major Population
Abstract Abstract 3197 Background: The prognosis for thalassemia major (TM) has dramatically improved in the last two decades. However, many transfusion-dependent patients continue to develop secondary iron overloading, and eventually death, particularly from cardiac disease. The possibility of detecting easily and earliest the patients at risk of cardiac death is so far the main challenge of clinical management of these patients. Therefore, the mean reduction of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF), determined by echocardiography, was evaluated over the time. Methods: Among the 413 observed patients only 188 had complete records for LVEF measurements during, at least, five considered …
Transfusion Therapy in a Multi-Ethnic Sickle Cell Population Real-World Practice. a Preliminary Data Analysis of Multicentre Survey
Abstract Introduction. Despite the increasing of number of patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) in Italy, due to multi-ethnic migratory phenomena, a large percentage of Caucasian sickle population is already present in Italy mainly with b-thal/HbS genotype. Red cell transfusion is one effective treatment for both acute and chronic complications of SCD, while hydroxycarbamide (HC) is used to reduce the frequency of painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs) and decrease the need for blood transfusion. Through the National Comprehensive Reference Centers for SCD, the Italian Society of Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies (SITE), in collaboration with the Society Italian Transfusion Medicine and I…
Sequential alternating deferiprone and deferoxamine treatment compared to deferiprone monotherapy: main findings and clinical follow-up of a large multicenter randomized clinical trial in -thalassemia major patients.
In β-thalassemia major (β-TM) patients, iron chelation therapy is mandatory to reduce iron overload secondary to transfusions. Recommended first line treatment is deferoxamine (DFO) from the age of 2 and second line treatment after the age of 6 is deferiprone (L1). A multicenter randomized open-label trial was designed to assess the effectiveness of long-term alternating sequential L1-DFO versus L1 alone iron chelation therapy in β-TM patients. Deferiprone 75 mg/kg 4 days/week and DFO 50 mg/kg/day for 3 days/week was compared with L1 alone 75 mg/kg 7 days/week during 5-year follow-up. A total of 213 thalassemia patients were randomized and underwent intention-to-treat analysis. Statisticall…