José Manuel Penín
Re-weighting at the LHC: the p–Pb data impact
Abstract In this work we present selected results of a comprehensive analysis of the medium modifications in proton-lead LHC Run I data, and discuss the implications on different sets of nuclear parton densities. We find that the nuclear environment has a non-negligible relevance on the experimental results. We incorporate the information from Run I into the current nuclear densities and provide novel sets of nPDFs that will be useful for future predictions.
An analysis of the impact of LHC Run I proton–lead data on nuclear parton densities
We report on an analysis of the impact of available experimental data on hard processes in proton-lead collisions during Run I at the Large Hadron Collider on nuclear modifications of parton distribution functions. Our analysis is restricted to the EPS09 and DSSZ global fits. The measurements that we consider comprise production of massive gauge bosons, jets, charged hadrons and pions. This is the first time a study of nuclear PDFs includes this number of different observables. The goal of the paper is twofold: i) checking the description of the data by nPDFs, as well as the relevance of these nuclear effects, in a quantitative manner; ii) testing the constraining power of these data in eve…