G. De Cesare

INTEGRAL high energy monitoring of the X-ray burster KS 1741-293

KS 1741-293, discovered in 1989 by the X-ray camera TTM in the Kvant module of the Mir space station and identified as an X-ray burster, has not been detected in the hard X band until the advent of the INTEGRAL observatory. Moreover this source has been recently object of scientific discussion, being also associated to a nearby extended radio source that in principle could be the supernova remnant produced by the accretion induced collapse in the binary system. Our long term monitoring with INTEGRAL, covering the period from February 2003 to May 2005, confirms that KS 1741-293 is transient in soft and hard X band. When the source is active, from a simultaneous JEM-X and IBIS data analysis, …

research product

Monte Carlo evaluation of a CZT 3D spectrometer suitable for a Hard X- and soft-γ rays polarimetry balloon borne experiment

Today, the measurement of the polarization status of cosmic sources high-energy' emission, is recognized as a key observational parameter to understand the active production mechanism and its geometry. Therefore, a mandatory requirement for new instrumentations operating in this energ.-y range will be to provide high sensitivity for polarimetric measurements. In this framework, we have presented the concept of a small high-performance imaging spectrometer optimized for polarimetry between 100 and 600 keV suitable for a stratospheric balloon-borne payload and as a pathfinder for a future satellite mission. The detector with 3D spatial resolution is based on a CZT spectrometer in a highly seg…

research product

INTEGRAL monitoring of the Black Hole candidate 1E 1740.7-2942

The brightest persistent Galactic black hole candidate close to the Galactic Centre, 1E 1740.7-2942, has long been observed with INTEGRAL. In this paper, we report on the long-term hard X-ray monitoring obtained during the first year of observations as part of the Galactic Centre Deep Exposure. We discuss the temporal and spectral behaviours in different energy bands up to 250 keV, as well as the hardness-flux correlations.

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