P. Ubertini

IBIS: The Imager on-board INTEGRAL

The IBIS telescope is the high angular resolution gamma-ray imager on-board the INTEGRAL Observatory, successfully launched from Baikonur (Kazakhstan) the 17th of October 2002. This medium size ESA project, planned for a 2 year mission with possible extension to 5, is devoted to the observation of the gamma-ray sky in the energy range from 3 keV to 10 MeV (Winkler 2001). The IBIS imaging system is based on two independent solid state detector arrays optimised for low ( 15-1000 keV) and high ( 0.175-10.0 MeV) energies surrounded by an active VETO System. This high efficiency shield is essential to minimise the background induced by high energy particles in the highly excentric out of van All…

research product

INTEGRAL monitoring of the Black Hole candidate 1E 1740.7-2942

The brightest persistent Galactic black hole candidate close to the Galactic Centre, 1E 1740.7-2942, has long been observed with INTEGRAL. In this paper, we report on the long-term hard X-ray monitoring obtained during the first year of observations as part of the Galactic Centre Deep Exposure. We discuss the temporal and spectral behaviours in different energy bands up to 250 keV, as well as the hardness-flux correlations.

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A Hard X-Ray View of Scorpius X-1 with INTEGRAL : Nonthermal Emission?

We present here simultaneous INTEGRAL/RXTE observations of Sco X-1, and in particular a study of the hard X-ray emission of the source and its correlation with the position in the Z-track of the X-ray color-color diagram. We find that the hard X-ray (above about 30 keV) emission of Sco X-1 is dominated by a power-law component with a photon index of ~3. The flux in the power-law component slightly decreases when the source moves in the color-color diagram in the sense of increasing inferred mass accretion rate from the horizontal branch to the normal branch/flaring branch vertex. It becomes not significantly detectable in the flaring branch, where its flux has decreased by about an order of…

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ORIGIN: metal creation and evolution from the cosmic dawn

Herder, Jan-Willem den et al.

research product

Recent trends in the development of CdTe and CdZnTe semiconductor detectors for astrophysical applications

Cadmium telluride (CdTe) and cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe) offer great promise as x-ray and gamma ray detectors. Due to the high detection efficiency, the good room temperature performance and the recent improvements on crystal growth technology, CdTe and CdZnTe detectors have obtained an increasing interest in the field of hard x-ray and gamma ray astronomy. In this paper, we report on the R&D activities on CdTe and CdZnTe detectors for high energy space instrumentation. Our group has been involved in the design of new multilayer hard x and soft gamma ray Laue lens telescopes and, in particular on the development of focal plane detectors based on CdTe and CdZnTe. Here we present the acti…

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