Lucia Muggia
The hidden diversity of lichenized Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta).
The class Trebouxiophyceae is comprised of coccoid to ellipsoid unicells, filaments, blades and colony-forming species of green algae occurring in diverse terrestrial and aquatic environments. Some representatives have evolved parasitic heterotrophic lifestyles, others have been investigated for their biotechnological potential and others have evolved as integral components of lichen symbioses. In this review, we provide an overview of the current understanding of diversity, taxonomy and evolutionary context for the important lichen-forming algal class Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta). In particular, we focus on members of the family Trebouxiaceae (Trebouxiales), the best-known, most widespre…
Unexpected associated microalgal diversity in the lichen Ramalina farinacea is uncovered by pyrosequencing analyses
The current literature reveals that the intrathalline coexistence of multiple microalgal taxa in lichens is more common than previously thought, and additional complexity is supported by the coexistence of bacteria and basidiomycete yeasts in lichen thalli. This replaces the old paradigm that lichen symbiosis occurs between a fungus and a single photobiont. The lichen Ramalina farinacea has proven to be a suitable model to study the multiplicity of microalgae in lichen thalli due to the constant coexistence of Trebouxia sp. TR9 and T. jamesii in long-distance populations. To date, studies involving phycobiont diversity within entire thalli are based on Sanger sequencing, but this method see…
Chloroplast morphology and pyrenoid ultrastructural analyses reappraise the diversity of the lichen phycobiont genus Trebouxia (Chlorophyta)
Abstract Trebouxiophyceae is a wide class of green algae comprising coccoid and elliptic unicells, filaments, blades and colony-forming species that occur in diverse terrestrial and aquatic environments. Within this class, the genus Trebouxia Puymaly is among the most widespread lichen phycobionts worldwide. However, the 29 formally described species based on the combination of morphological traits and genetic diversity woefully underrepresented the overall species-level diversity recognized in the genus. In Trebouxia, reliable differentiation and characterization of the species-level lineages can be achieved by studying the diversity of key diagnostic features of pyrenoid ultrastructure an…
Thallus Growth Stage and Geographic Origin Shape Microalgal Diversity in Ramalina farinacea Lichen Holobionts
Lichen symbioses are microecosystems hosting many other living organisms besides the two major lichen symbionts (i.e., lichenized fungi [the mycobiont] and green microalgae or cyanobacteria [the photobiont]). Recent investigations evidenced that other fungi, non-photosynthetic bacteria, and microalgae co-inhabit within the lichen thalli, but their diversity and their roles are still underinvestigated. Here we present an ad hoc stratified sampling design and in-depth Illumina paired-end metabarcoding approach to explore microalgal diversity in lichen thalli of the model species Ramalina farinacea from different ecologies. Lichen thalli were surveyed according to three different sizes, and di…