Sari Savolainen
The third dimension of changes during FOB succession : psychological change
Työnteijöiden luottamuksen muutokset perheyrityksen sukupolvenvaihdoksessa
Kognitiivinen tunnearvioteoria ja psykologinen hyväksyminen organisaatiomuutoksen kohtaamisessa
Non-family employees in small family business succession: the case of psychological ownership
This study is analysing non-family employees' perceptions on psychological ownership during the family business succession process. Three small family companies were chosen for the multiple case studies. The results of this study show that non-family employees are participating on the small family business succession and they do possess a strong psychological ownership towards the family business, their own work, and the founder generation. Non-family employees recognise the changing management and leadership in successions. Non-family employees' psychological ownership increases in succession. This has got influence on commitment and well being in unique way according to personal character…