Ligita Stramkale


Aim. The aim of the study is to identify what techniques students use to memorise song lyrics, how much time is needed to do that, and whether and in what way their parents help them learn the song. The theoretical part of the study analyses previous researches on memorisation in the context of general psychology, age-related psychology, and music psychology.
 Method. The empirical study involved 47 (N=47) second-grade students of the comprehensive school (25 girls and 22 boys). Three study questions are raised in this paper: what techniques do students use to learn how to memorise song lyrics? How much time does a student need to learn singing a song by heart? Do parents help students…

research product

The University Administrative Staff Perception of Inclusion in Higher Education

This study investigates university administrative staff perception of inclusion in higher education at the university level. The study uses the University of Latvia as a case to answer the following research questions: What constitutes inclusion in university education, how accessibility is provided? What are the support systems provided for diverse students? What support and training are provided to administrative and academic staff to ensure that the educational needs of diverse student bodies are met? The methodology employed is exploratory and descriptive, and uses the interview method and semi-structured questionnaire. The sample is made of seven administrative staff members representi…

research product

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Music Education: A Review of the Literature

The study topicality is related to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on music education in various educational institutions worldwide. This literature review aimed to summarize and identify current issues related to music education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study used publications available in the Sage Journal database and published in the last three years (2020-2022). The study addressed three research questions. RQ1: What teaching modes adopted during the Covid-19 pandemic in music education are mentioned in studies, and for what purposes are music teachers using digital tools? RQ2: What are the challenges and benefits of teaching and learning music during the Covid-19 pandemic?…

research product


Aim. The aim of the study is to find out students’ perspectives on the necessity, readiness and disturbing factors of implementing musical activities in preschool. The theoretical part of the paper describes the particularity of preschool teachers’ work, the children’s interest in musical activities, and the benefits of implementing musical activities in preschool. 
 Method. The empirical study involved 168 students (N=168), of which 132 students (N=132) are already working as preschool teachers in parallel with their study at the university. The study identified three questions: why do preschool teachers use musical activities? What factors prevent a preschool teacher from using music…

research product

Mūzika sākumizglītībā

Šajā grāmatā analizēts mūzikas izglītības mērķis, uzdevumi, saturs un mācību līdzekļu dažādība; apskatīti mūzikas mācīšanas un mācīšanās principi un modeļi; raksturoti mūzikas izteiksmes līdzekļi, mūzikas klausīšanās, skaņdarba izpratnes un dziesmas mācīšanas un mācīšanās veidi; iztirzāti mūzikas klausīšanās organizēšanas posmi, mūzikas uztveres aktivizēšanas paņēmieni un vokālais darbs mūzikas stundās. Grāmatā ir iestrādāti pētījumu rezultāti, mūzikas metodiķu labās prakses materiāli, pamatojoties uz autores pārliecību un personīgo pieredzi vairāk nekā 25 gadu garumā mūzikas izglītības jomā. Metodiskais līdzeklis “Mūzika sākumizlīglītībā” būs saistošs gan studentiem, kuri apgūst mūziku bak…

research product

Student’s Communication Activity in Small Group Learning

research product