Gabriele Carnevale
New Inferences on Magma Dynamics in Melilitite-Carbonatite Volcanoes: The Case Study of Mt. Vulture (Southern Italy)
This study provides the first micro-thermometric data of fluid inclusions (FIs) in mafic loose (disaggregated) xenocrysts and ultramafic xenoliths in explosive products of the melilitite-carbonatite Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy). Pure CO2 late stage FIs hosted in rock-forming minerals of wehrlite xenoliths and clinopyroxene xenocrysts were trapped at the local crust-mantle boundary (32 km). In contrast, trapping pressures within the loose olivine xenocrysts are from 3.2 to 4.5 kbar (8–13 km). Considering the ongoing degassing of mantle-derived CO2 rich gases, together with seismic evidences of the presence of low amount of melts at depth, and the tectonic control of the past volcanic…
Petrology and geochemistry of peri-Mediterranean carbonatite magmatism: case studies from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy)
Carbonatites are rare magmatic rocks of great scientific and economic importance, and carbonatite magmatism is mainly associated with intraplate continental tectonic settings, with some rare occurrences in oceanic contexts. Despite their importance, many aspects of carbonatite petrogenesis and evolution processes remain still poorly constrained. In order to further constrain the mantle source and the storage system of carbonatite magmas, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) was taken as a representative case study of oceanic carbonatites, while Mt. Vulture (southern Italy) was taken as a representative case study of intra-continental carbonatites, with a two-fold aim: to understand (i) the role o…
Hydrothermal processes with REE enrichment in Fuerteventura carbonatites: evidences in accessory minerals
Los diques carbonatíticos que afloran en la parte centro-occidental del Complejo Basal de Fuerteventura (Ajuy, Punta de la Nao), fueron afectados por el evento intrusivo mioceno responsable del metamorfismo de contacto y fusión parcial de parte del complejo alcalino-carbonatítico. Las características texturales, los procesos de formación de monacita enriquecida en LREE (La, Ce, Nd) en microfracturas que afectan a los cristales de zircón, evidencian interacciones de las carbonatitas con fluidos hidrotermales y removilización parcial de REE. El pirocloro es el principal mineral reservorio de tierras raras (suma REE=216694 ppm), con valores elevados de LREE (LaN=185816 y CeN=165209) respecto a…
Microthermometry of fluid inclusions in calcite from Fuerteventura carbonatites: composition and formation conditions
The petrographic analysis in calcite minerals in carbonatitic dykes from Fuerteventura Basal Complex (Ajuy, Punta de la Nao) shows the presence of isolated primary fluid inclusions, corroborating their magmatic origin instead of a late-stage origin. Micro-thermometric studies in calcite show a restricted range of apparent eutectic temperature (Te*= -21.7 – -21.0 °C) and final ice melting temperatures (Tim= -3.2 – -2.1. °C). Homogenization temperatures and pressures are in the range of 140-210 °C and 4-16 bars respectively. Our results suggest the binary NaCl-H2O system as a characterizing chemical system in studied fluid inclusions, with the presence of low salinity fluids (≈ 5 wt. % NaCleq…
Carbonatites complexes are very rare in oceanic environments and in the Atlantic Ocean they can be only found at Cape Verde islands and Fuerteventura. Fuerteventura is the second largest island in the Canary Archipelago and is located on a transitional, continental to oceanic, crust. It consists essentially of Mesozoic sediments, submarine volcanic rocks, subaerial basaltic and trachytic series, ultramafic, mafic to felsic intrusives (clinopyroxenites, melteijites-ijolites, nepheline-monzogabbros, nepheline-sienites) and carbonatitic dike swarms (age 25 Ma). Carbonatite dike (Ca-carbonatites) mineralogy consists of calcite, aegirine-augite, albite, K-feldspar, biotite, apatite, Fe-Ti oxides…
An overview of the geochemical characteristics of oceanic carbonatites: New insights from Fuerteventura carbonatites (Canary islands)
The occurrence of carbonatites in oceanic settings is very rare if compared with their continental counterpart, having been reported only in Cape Verde and Canary Islands. This paper provides an overview of the main geochemical characteristics of oceanic carbonatites, around which many debates still exist regarding their petrogenesis. We present new data on trace elements in minerals and whole-rock, together with the first noble gases isotopic study (He, Ne, Ar) in apatite, calcite, and clinopyroxene from Fuerteventura carbonatites (Canary Islands). Trace elements show a similar trend as Cape Verde carbonatites, almost tracing the same patterns on multi-element and REE abundance diagrams. 3…
Micro-thermometry and minerochemical composition of ultramafic xenoliths and minerals from Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy)
Here minerochemical composition and micro-thermometric data of ultramafic xenoliths (wehrlite) and loose xenocrysts (olivine and Cr-diopside) from the last melilitite-carbonatite explosive volcanic activity of Mt. Vulture volcano. In addition, some geometrical parameters of pelletal lapilli are reported.