Lidón Villanueva Badenes
The MOOD Questionnaire: adaptation and validation of the Spanish version.
El Cuestionario de Estados de Ánimo: adaptación y validación de la versión española. Antecedentes: en este estudio se analizan las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Estados de Ánimo (MOOD) en población infantil española. Este instrumento fue desarrollado para cubrir el vacío existente en la evaluación de los estados de ánimo en niños. Método: el MOOD fue administrado a una muestra de 1.489 niños (edad media= 9,11 años). Resultados: las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario resultaron adecuadas, observándose la relación de los estados de ánimo con la competencia emocional y las quejas somáticas. Conclusiones: en base a los resultados obtenidos, el uso de esta herramienta dia…
Emotion awareness, mood and personality as predictors of somatic complaints in children and adults
Background: The relationships among somatic complaints, emotion awareness and mood have been observed in late childhood and adolescence, but very few studies have been carried out in adult populations like this work. This study also incorporates personality dimensions that can exacerbate or reduce the emergence of somatic complaints. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the combined contribution of emotion awareness, mood, and personality to healthy children and adults’ somatic complaints. Method: Self-reported questionnaires about emotion awareness, mood, personality, and somatic complaints were administered to 1,476 children (7-14 years old) and 479 adults (27-56 years old). Res…
Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Quejas Somáticas en niños y adultos españoles
The aim of this study was to analyse the psychometric properties of the Somatic Complaints List (SCL) in Spanish child and adult populations. This instrument assesses the frequency with which people experience and feel pain such as stomach ache and headache, among others. It has been validated in different countries and languages (Dutch, English, and Persian), showing adequate psychometric properties. Nevertheless, it has never been validated in a Spanish context. Method: For the adaptation and validation, we used two different samples: 1423 children, age ranging from 8 to 12 years old, selected from 12 primary and secondary schools at 7 locations in the Valencian Community, Spain (age = 9.…