Standardization of sampling and staining methods for the morphometric evaluation of sperm heads in the Cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) using computer-assisted image analysis
Automated sperm morphology analysis (ASMA) technology has improved the assessment of sperm morphology, but the results depend on the use of adequate and standardized procedures. In this study the Sperm-Class Analyzer® (SCA) ASMA system was used to assess sperm head morphometry in the Cynomolgus monkey and to evaluate the influence of sample size, intraslide variation, and the use of three staining techniques on the accuracy of image processing and sperm head morphometry. Haematoxylin is the staining technique of choice for Cynomolgus spermatozoa, as optimum contrast of sperm heads with the surrounding background allows efficient segmentation, i.e. sperm head boundary detection, making the i…