René Algesheimer

Die Wirkung funktionaler, emotionaler und relationaler Nutzendimensionen auf die Markenloyalität

Drawing on existing marketing literature three dimensions of utility are suggested: functional, emotional and relational. It is argued that the importance of these dimensions vary over time. In the early phase of the product life cycle, the functional utility is crucial for the success in the market place. Over time the emotional and relational dimension become more and more important. An empircial study carried out in the telecom industry provides evidence that this shift of importance actually takes place. The managerial implication is twofold. Firstly, the value proposition needs to be adapted in order to meet customer expectations. Secondly, an organizational change is necessary to be a…

research product

Management von Kundenbeziehungen durch Brand Communities

Das Marketing wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten durch die Betrachtung von dyadischen Beziehungen zwischen Anbietern und Nachfragern dominiert (Bruhn/Georgi 2006). Dabei verstand man Transaktionen zunachst als diskrete (voneinander unabhangige) Ereignisse, spater auch als relationale Phanomene (Bruhn 2002a; 2002b). Die Marketingtheorie und -praxis vernachlassigte (mit wenigen Ausnahmen) jedoch, Interaktionen zwischen Konsumenten zu analysieren. Gerade Begegnungen zwischen Individuen beeinflussen jedoch deren Wahrnehmung, Beurteilung und Akzeptanz von Produkten und Marken (Bearden/Etzel 1982). Die isolierte Betrachtung des Konsumentenverhaltens als Entscheidung Einzelner ist daher um Einflusse…

research product

The Impact of Brand Personality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer's Loyalty: Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal Analytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service Providers

For the past few years, companies within the telecommunication and media industry have been operating within the environment of digital convergence. Internet Service Providers especially are, therefore, confronted with a new competitive landscape, which is characterized by an increased complexity and dynamics. This development implies a need for change in the strategic alignment, a change away from transaction towards relationship orientation understanding loyal customers as an asset. In many different industrial and service providing sectors customer satisfaction is regarded as the key to customer loyalty. However, this relationship is influenced by several other variables, such as the con…

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