Frank Kressmann

Die Wirkung funktionaler, emotionaler und relationaler Nutzendimensionen auf die Markenloyalität

Drawing on existing marketing literature three dimensions of utility are suggested: functional, emotional and relational. It is argued that the importance of these dimensions vary over time. In the early phase of the product life cycle, the functional utility is crucial for the success in the market place. Over time the emotional and relational dimension become more and more important. An empircial study carried out in the telecom industry provides evidence that this shift of importance actually takes place. The managerial implication is twofold. Firstly, the value proposition needs to be adapted in order to meet customer expectations. Secondly, an organizational change is necessary to be a…

research product

Varianz- und kovarianzbasierte Strukturgleichungsmodelle — Ein Leitfaden zu deren Spezifikation, Schätzung und Beurteilung

Seit Mitte der 80er Jahre gewinnen Strukturgleichungsmodeile in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung an Bedeutung. Jungste Veroffentlichungen untermauern jedoch deren oftmals falschliche Anwendung bzw. die Fehlkonzeption des uberpruften Modells. Nicht zuletzt erschwert die etablierte, auf kovarianzbasierten Verfahren beruhende Software LISREL die haufig notwendige, jedoch unterlassene Einbindung formativ erfasster Modellkonstrukte. Das varianzbasierte Strukturgleichungsverfahren PLS (partial least squares) weist eine Vielzahl von gunstigen Eigenschaften gegenuber kovarianzbasierten Verfahren auf, so auch die problemlose Einbindung formativ erhobener latenter Variablen. Das Hauptargument d…

research product

Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty

The purpose of the paper is to test a model dealing with direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty. The model posits that self-image congruence positively affects brand loyalty directly and indirectly through functional congruity, product involvement, and brand relationship quality. The model was tested using cars as the product stimulus in a survey of 600 car owners. We chose automobiles because cars are high in conspicuousness (therefore are likely to be evaluated using symbolic criteria) and are used across a variety of situations. The model was mostly supported by the data. First, the results document the paramount importance of self-congruity in predicting b…

research product