M.a. López-montenegro Soria
Doctors’ acceptance of recommendations for patients with the opportunity for pharmacotherapy improvement
Abstract Objective To identify and quantify the influence of different variables on the implementation of pharmacotherapy optimisation measures in hospitalised patients. Method Descriptive transversal study. Period: 2000–2007. Environment: public university general hospital (25,000 patients admitted/year). The Programme implemented to improve pharmacotherapy quality and patient safety covers 30% of all patients. Using records from the Atefarm ® Farmis application, we analysed pharmacotherapy recommendations (PRs) made by pharmacists to doctors. The selected variables were the following: Risk of the medication for ADE (1-high, 0-low), ADE category, (0-indication, 1-effectiveness, 2-safety), …
Predicting risk of acute rejection in patients with kidney transplants
Objective: Create a model to predict the risk of acute rejection of kidney transplant considering variables related to the immunosuppressant agent used, the receiver, the donor, and the transplanted organ. Methods: Cohort study in a population of 68 patients with kidney transplants being treated with tacrolimus triple therapy. Predicting the risk of acute rejection was carried out with a logistic regression analysis using age, sex, retransplant status, number of HLA incompatibilities, cold ischaemia time, acute tubular necrosis, induction with basiliximab or thymoglobulin, and treatment type as explanatory variables. The contribution of variables associated with determining the blood concen…
Predicción de riesgo de rechazo agudo en pacientes con trasplante renal
Objective: Create a model to predict the risk of acute rejection of kidney transplant considering variables related to the immunosuppressant agent used, the receiver, the donor and the transplanted organ. Methods: Cohort study in a population of 68 patients with kidney transplants being treated with tacrolimus triple therapy. Predicting the risk of acute rejection was carried out with a logistic regression analysis using age, sex, re-transplant status, number of HLA incompatibilities, cold ischaemia time, acute tubular necrosis, induction with basiliximab or thymoglobulin and treatment type as explanatory variables. The contribution of variables associated with determining the blood concent…
Genetic Polymorphisms and Individualized Tacrolimus Dosing
Background. Genetic polymorphisms of metabolism enzymes or intestinal drug transporters may affect pharmacokinetic responses to immunosuppressive drugs in renal transplant recipients. We sought to identify the frequency of genetic polymorphisms and their importance for individualization of tacrolimus doses. Patients and Methods. We performed an observational study in 35 renal transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and corticosteroids. Tacrolimus concentrations were determined by immunoanalysis (IMx method; Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park, Ill), on 11 blood samples per patient during the first 6 weeks after renal transplantation. For each patient, we calculated…