P. Maria
Meta-analysis of mismatch repair polymorphisms within the cogent consortium for colorectal cancer susceptibility
In the last four years, Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have identified sixteen low-penetrance polymorphisms on fourteen different loci associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). Due to the low risks conferred by known common variants, most of the 35% broad-sense heritability estimated by twin studies remains unexplained. Recently our group performed a case-control study for eight Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in 4 CRC genes. The present investigation is a followup of that study. We have genotyped six SNPs that showed a positive association and carried out a meta-analysis based on eight additional studies comprising in total more than 8000 cases and 6000 controls. The estimate…
The intellectual disability is found in approximately 2-3% of the population in a mild-to-moderate form and 0.5-1% in a moderate-to-severe form. The mutations on the chromosome X are responsible for both syndromic and non-syndromic intellectual disability. In the syndromic forms behavioral disorders, autism and/or seizures are frequent.