Ana Cuesta-gragera
Semi-physiologic model validation and bioequivalence trials simulation to select the best analyte for acetylsalicylic acid
Abstract The objective of this paper is to apply a previously developed semi-physiologic pharmacokinetic model implemented in NONMEM to simulate bioequivalence trials (BE) of acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) in order to validate the model performance against ASA human experimental data. ASA is a drug with first-pass hepatic and intestinal metabolism following Michaelis–Menten kinetics that leads to the formation of two main metabolites in two generations (first and second generation metabolites). The first aim was to adapt the semi-physiological model for ASA in NOMMEN using ASA pharmacokinetic parameters from literature, showing its sequential metabolism. The second aim was to validate this mod…
Validation of a semi-physiological model for caffeine in healthy subjects and cirrhotic patients.
The objective of this paper was to validate a previously developed semi physiological model to simulate bioequivalence trials of drug products. The aim of the model was to ascertain whether the measurement of the metabolite concentration-time profiles would provide any additional information in bioequivalence studies (Fernandez-Teruel et al., 2009a,b; Navarro-Fontestad et al., 2010). The semi-physiological model implemented in NONMEM VI was used to simulate caffeine and its main metabolite plasma levels using caffeine parameters from bibliography. Data from 3 bioequivalence studies in healthy subjects at 3 different doses (100, 175 and 400mg of caffeine) and one study in cirrhotic patients …