Pore fabric geometry inferred from magnetic and acoustic anisotropies in rocks with various mineralogy, permeability and porosity.
14 pages; International audience; he ferrofluid impregnation technique combined with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements (AMSff) is one of the ways to analyze the 3-D geometry of the pore space in a rock and indirectly to infer the anisotropy of permeability. We applied this method on different types of rocks (sandstones and carbonates) with a range of different porosity values (10-30%) and permeability (1 mD to 1 D). To get additional information on both the pore aspect ratio and the directional anisotropy we used another technique, measuring the anisotropy of P-waves velocity (APV) in dry and water saturated conditions. Comparing between both methods shows that despite the …