Speciation of the Paradeontacylix spp. (Sanguinicolidae) of Seriola dumerili. Two new species of the genus Paradeontacylix from the Mediterranean.
Abstract Two new species of teleost blood fluke belonging to the sanguinicolid genus Paradeontacylix are described from the greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili , i.e. Paradeontacylix ibericus n. sp. from the Iberian Peninsula and Paradeontacylix balearicus n. sp. from the Balearic Islands. P. ibericus n. sp. and P. balearicus n. sp. show morphological similarities with Paradeontacylix kampachi and Paradeontacylix grandispinus respectively, which occur in mixed infection in S. dumerili from Japan. Multivariate analysis of morphometrical data provided statistical evidence for the separation of four species. However, component by component analysis did not show statistically significant differ…
Histochemistry of the Mitochondrial System
It has been customary to introduce any discussion on the mitochondrion by summing up its functions as the energy center of the cell. Because of the extensive reviews and symposia in this field in recent years such an introduction would be repetitious and will therefore be omitted. — The relative ease by which mitochondria can be isolated from various cells and the considerable purity of such fractions permitted an analysis of the overall functions of mitochondria and the extrapolation of these results, on a statistical basis, to a single mitochondrion. Further fragmentation of isolated mitochondria into sub-units that carry segments of the functional activity of the whole organelle signific…