Jeļena ĻUbenko

Predictors of changing patterns of adherence to containment measures during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic: an international longitudinal study

Abstract Background Identifying common factors that affect public adherence to COVID-19 containment measures can directly inform the development of official public health communication strategies. The present international longitudinal study aimed to examine whether prosociality, together with other theoretically derived motivating factors (self-efficacy, perceived susceptibility and severity of COVID-19, perceived social support) predict the change in adherence to COVID-19 containment strategies. Method In wave 1 of data collection, adults from eight geographical regions completed online surveys beginning in April 2020, and wave 2 began in June and ended in September 2020. Hypothesized pre…

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Pusaudžu pašefektivitāte, eksternalizētas un internalizētas problēmas ģimenes psiholoģiskās vides kontekstā. Longitudināls pētījums

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Additional file 1 of Predictors of changing patterns of adherence to containment measures during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic: an international longitudinal study

Additional file 1: Supplementary Table 1. Measures used in the COVID-IMPACT study.

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Mental Health and Adherence to COVID-19 Protective Behaviors among Cancer Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International, Multinational Cross-Sectional Study

Simple Summary Whilst information on the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care continues to increase exponentially, little is known about the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and coping behaviors of cancer patients. This study constitutes a sub-study of a large international survey conducted during the first wave of the pandemic, looking specifically at the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and protective behaviors of cancer participants, compared to non-cancer participants. It also explored whether cancer participants perceived COVID-19 as a bigger threat compared to their cancer and whether this perception affected their psychological outcomes, such as their perceived level of st…

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Additional file 2 of Predictors of changing patterns of adherence to containment measures during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic: an international longitudinal study

Additional file 2: Supplementary Table 2. Number of the participants involved in the study from each country and geographical region.

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Jauniešu identitāte, ģimenes psiholoģiskā vide un piesaistes vecākiem kvalitāte

Maģistra darba mērķis ir teorētiski izpētīt pusaudžu identitātes veidošanos, ģimenes psiholoģiskās vides un piesaistes kvalitātes nozīmi šajā attīstības procesā balstoties uz pēdējo gadu zinātnisko pētījumu analīzi, kā arī kvantitatīvi izpētīt iespējamas saistības starp ģimeni un piesaisti raksturojošiem faktoriem un identitāti 17-19 gadīgiem pusaudžiem. Pētījumā piedalījās 114 Latvijas vispārizglītojošo skolu 11. un 12, klašu skolēni vecumā no 17 līdz 19 gadiem (46 zēni un 68 meitenes). Pētījumā tika izmantotas metodikas: Ego identitātes statusa aptauja, Vecāku un vienaudžu piesaistes aptauja (skalas, kas attiecas uz māti uz tēvu) un Ģimenes klimata skala. Pēc iegūtajiem kopējiem rezultāti…

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Patterns of Psychological Responses among the Public during the Early Phase of COVID-19: A Cross-Regional Analysis

This study aimed to compare the mediation of psychological flexibility, prosociality and coping in the impacts of illness perceptions toward COVID-19 on mental health among seven regions. Convenience sampled online survey was conducted between April and June 2020 from 9130 citizens in 21 countries. Illness perceptions toward COVID-19, psychological flexibility, prosociality, coping and mental health, socio-demographics, lockdown-related variables and COVID-19 status were assessed. Results showed that psychological flexibility was the only significant mediator in the relationship between illness perceptions toward COVID-19 and mental health across all regions (all ps = 0.001–0.021). Seeking …

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