Taru Kinnunen
Interactive effects of internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors on recurrent pain in children
Objective: To examine, in children, relationships between self-reported recurrent pain and emotion regulation indicated by rated internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors and adjustment. Method: Finnish 11-12-year-old schoolchildren (N = 414) completed a questionnaire measuring recurrent pain. Emotion regulation was assessed by a Multidimensional Peer Nomination Inventory, Teacher Rating Form. Relationships between recurrent pain and emotion regulation were examined in logistic regression analyses, after controlling for past injuries and chronic illnesses. Results: Independent of injuries and chronic illnesses, externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors related to recurrent p…
Long-term effects of nicotine gum on weight gain after smoking cessation.
Smoking cessation usually results in weight gain. Nicotine gum therapy has been found to reduce weight gain in the first months after cessation, but its long-term effects are not fully known. The present study randomly assigned 608 smokers to receive placebo, 2 or 4 mg nicotine gum. In a follow-up analysis to the short-term weight change results reported in a previous paper [Doherty, Militello, Kinnunen, & Garvey (1996), Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 64:799-807], we examined the effects of the nicotine gum on weight change for 1 year after cessation among the 92 1-year abstainers. We found that weight change showed some variation with gum dose (active vs. placebo), but that …
Low Self-Control of Emotions as an Antecedent of Self-Reported Physical Symptoms: A Longitudinal Perspective
The study was part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development, underway since 1968, in which children's low self-control of emotions was studied using teacher ratings at age 8 in terms of inattentiveness, shifting moods, aggression, and anxiety. The study was based on data from 112 women and 112 men who participated in the previous data collections at ages 8, 27, and 36. At age 27, the participants had been assessed in Neuroticism (N) using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire , and at age 36 they filled in several inventories measuring, among others, conscious and active attempts to repair negative emotions in a more positive direction as well as physical s…
Smoking Cessation in Individuals with Depression
Current, historical and subclinical depression have been linked to a high incidence of cigarette smoking and smoking cessation relapse. This review discusses the efficacy, suitability and other treatment issues involved in using nicotine replacement therapy, antidepressant treatment and cognitive-behavioural interventions to help depressed smokers quit smoking. It is recommended that prior to choosing a smoking cessation treatment regimen, assessment should be made of: (i) current and past history of depression; (ii) nicotine dependency; and (iii) other risk factors (e.g. family history of depression, past difficulty in quitting) for relapse. For those individuals who are highly nicotine de…