Alfredo Maurício Batista De Paula

Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma: A conservative surgical approach

Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is a rare benign mixed odontogenic tumor that occurs predominantly in children and young adults with no gender predilection and anatomic site, usually appearing as a painless swelling. We present a case of an 11-year-old non-Caucasian boy complaining of large painless isolated swelling in the right mandibular body. Intraoral examination revealed a tumoral mass with cortical bone expansion, covered by normal mucosa measuring 4.0 x 2.0 cm, located on both the lingual and buccal surfaces of the right body of the mandible, with displacement of the neighboring teeth. Panoramic radiography revealed an expansile, radiolucent and well circumscribed lesion with scat…

research product

Effectiveness of low flow vascular lesions sclerosis with monoetanolamine: Report of six cases

Vascular malformations or even hemangiomas need therapeutic intervention if they start to cause clinical symptoms or personal discomfort. Different therapeutic modalities, including cryotherapy, corticosteroids, laser therapy, sclerotherapy, surgery, and/or embolization, can be performed successfully. Sclerotherapy with monoethanolamine is a relatively simple and effective method to treat low flow vascular lesions. We presented a report of six cases of vascular malformations treated with monoethanolamine. There were 3 male and 3 female patients, with an age range of 20 to 68 years. The patients were submitted to applications according to clinical response and/or tolerability. In all cases, …

research product

Plexin-B1 and Semaphorin 4D Cooperate to Promote Perineural Invasion in a RhoA/ROK-Dependent Manner

Perineural invasion (PNI) is a tropism of tumor cells for nerve bundles located in the surrounding stroma. It is a pathological feature observed in certain tumors, referred to as neurotropic malignancies, that severely limits the ability to establish local control of disease and results in pain, recurrent growth, and distant metastases. Despite the importance of PNI as a prognostic indicator, its biological mechanisms are poorly understood. The semaphorins and their receptors, the plexins, compose a family of proteins originally shown to be important in nerve cell adhesion, axon migration, and proper central nervous system development. Emerging evidence has demonstrated that these factors a…

research product