F. Brighina
Modulating spatial orientation by Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation
Abnormal peripheral and central visual processing in migraine
Sound induced flash illusion (SIFI) is an illusory cross modal (audio-visual) phenomenon critically dependent upon excitability of visual cortex. A recent study with SIFI confirmed hyperexcitability of visual cortex in migraine; patients with migraine show abnormality of chromatic perception. Here we explored the relationship between peripheral chromatic and central visual dysfunction in patients with migraine
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) modulation of visual cortex of healthy subjects undergoing light deprivation: a human model to study pathophysiology of migraine
Indicaxanthin is able to modulate human motor cortical excitability and plasticity
Impairment of Temporal Binding Window in Migraine Patients
Are paradoxical intensity-dependent effects of 5Hz rTMS train in motor cortex of migraine with aura patients evidence of abnormal homeostatic plasticity
Facilitatory effects of 1 Hz rTMS in motor cortex of patients affected by migraine with aura
Cortical excitability in episodic cluster headache
Background: Cluster headache (CH) is a severe primary headache disorder, whose pathophysiological processes remain largely unknown. Along with central disinhibition of the trigeminal nociceptive system and hypothalamic impairment, a cortical involvement has been supposed. Aim: To evaluate cortical excitability in episodic CH patients by using different paradigms of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Methods: Twenty-five patients with episodic CH and thirteen healthy subjects underwent an experimental session where we evaluated, in both hemispheres, motor-cortical response to: 1) single-pulse TMS: i.e. motor threshold (MT); input-output (IO) curves and cortical silent period (CSP) and …
Orally administered indicaxanthin is able to modulate human motor cortical excitability and plasticity
Opuntia Ficus Indica contains Indicaxanthin (IX), an antinflammatory and antioxidant betalaine pigment. This phytochemical is also able to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) in rats and modulate neuronal activity. Considering these evidence, we aimed at investigating if orally administered IX could affect human brain tissue. 8 healthy and right-handed male subjects were recruited (20-45 years) with no history or clinical signs of neurological diseases, brain trauma or use of drugs acting on neuronal process, as assessed by a clinical neurologist. Non invasive Brain Stimulation and Neuromodulation (NIBS and NIN) instructions were applied in basal condition (T0) and 2 hours after having assu…
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Post-Stroke Aphasia Rehabilitation: Bilateral vs Unilateral Online Stimulation
Here we aim to evaluate the efficacy of repeated sessions of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) as additional treatment to standard behavioural rehabilitation in post-stroke aphasic patients comparing bilateral with unilateral left-sided and sham-tDCS. Background: Aphasia is the most common post-stroke cognitive disorder and it severely impacts activities of daily living and social interactions. tDCS recently showed good results in post-stroke aphasia rehabilitiation, even if no agreement at now exists about the stimulation parameters to employ to achieve the best rehabilitative outcome. Design/Methods: We enrolled twenty-two patients with single left-brain lesion at CT or MRI s…
Efficacy and safety of topiramate in migraine prophylaxis: an open controlled randomized study comparing Sincronil and topamax formulations.
AIM: Topiramate is a small molecule widely used for the treatment of epilepsy, migraine, bipolar disorders and alcoholism, and its availability as a generic formulation could significantly reduce the National Health Service expenditure. A generic formulation, available in Italy under the trademark Sincronil, recently showed superimposable blood levels, after oral administration to healthy volunteers, with the reference formulation. In the present study we report the results of an open label, parallel group, randomized, controlled study performed to evaluate the efficacy, tolerability and impact on disability of two different formulations of topiramate (Sincronil and Topamax) in patients wit…
Motor cortex tRNS improves pain, affective and cognitive impairment in patients with fibromyalgia: Preliminary results of a randomised sham-controlled trial
Objective. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a clinical syndrome characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain, chronic fatigue, cognitive deficits, and sleep and mood disorders. The effectiveness of most pharmacological treatments is limited, and there is a need for new, effective and well-tolerated therapies. It has recently been shown that transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) of the motor cortex reduces pain, and that tDCS of the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) improves anxiety, depression and cognitive impairment in FM patients. The new technique of transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) using randomly changing alternating currents has very recently been shown to improve w…
Transcranial direct current stimulation for treatment of freezing of gait: a cross-over study.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Progression of Parkinson's disease (PD) is frequently characterized by the occurrence of freezing of gait (FOG) representing a disabling motor complication. We aim to investigate safety and efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation of the primary motor cortex of PD patients with FOG. METHODS: In this cross-over, double-blind, sham-controlled study, 10 PD patients with FOG persisting in "on" state underwent anodal and sham direct current stimulation for 5 consecutive days. Clinical assessment over a 1-month period was performed. RESULTS: A significant improvement of gait, as assessed by the Stand Walk Sit test, with reduction in number and duration of FOG …
Background: Brief 5Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) trains at 120% of the resting- motorthreshold (RMT) intensity determine in healthy subjects a potentiation of motor evoked potentials (MEPs), likely due to short-term presynaptic plasticity facilitation. We recently showed paradoxical intensity-dependent MEP changes to 5Hz rTMS in migraine with MEP facilitation at 110% and inhibition at 130% RMT. This provides evidence of both hyper-responsivity and self-limiting hyperexcitability capacity in migraine, likely due to earlier activation of inhibitory homeostatic plasticity mechanisms. To explore this, we applied in migraineurs cathodal transcranial Direct Current Stimul…
Allodinia, Disabilità E Parametri Clinici Dell’emicrania: Risultati Di Uno Studio Con Questionario Retrospettivo In Pazienti Affetti Da Emicrania
T helper 1 response is correlated with widespread pain, fatigue, sleeping disorders and the quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia and is modulated by hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been used as treatment for different clinical conditions, including fibromyalgia (FM). HBOT modulates brain activity, ameliorates chronic pain and modifies the ratio of immune cells. Clinical studies have provided evidence that FM is associated with immune system dysregulation. In the present study we aimed to evaluate the effect of HBOT on immune system and on the quality of life-style of FM patients.Patients with primary FM and controls were treated with HBOT. Physical, emotional and social assessment, quality of sleep, tender points, intensity score, WPI and symptom severity were evaluated before and after HBOT. Furthermore, a characterisation of CD4 …