Ian Bailiff
Datation par luminescence des terres cuites architecturales : application à l'étude d'églises du haut Moyen Age du sud-est de l'Angleterre et du nord-ouest de la France
International audience
L’apport des méthodes de datation physique à la caractérisation et à la datation de matériaux de construction et structures architecturales : un bilan et desperspectives
International audience
Early medieval brickmaking: reviewing the role of luminescence and archaeomagnetic dating methods applied to building archaeology
International audience
Dating methods for studying building materials and constructions
ISBN 978-2-7084-0929-3; International audience
The use of dating methods for the study of building materials and constructions: state of the art and current challenges
International audience
Fresh Approaches to the Brick Production and Use in the Middle Ages
International audience
The Use of Dating Methods for Studying Building Materials and Constructions: State of the Art and Current Challenges
International audience