Assessing the extent of shared decision making in Pediatrics: Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the German CollaboRATEpediatric scales for patients aged 7–18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports
Abstract Objective To conduct a preliminary evaluation of psychometric properties of CollaboRATEpediatric, a set of three scales to assess shared decision making (SDM) with pediatric patients, parents and parents on behalf of their children (parent-proxy reports). As secondary objectives we examined the scales’ distributional characteristics, acceptability, and agreement between scales. Methods Patients aged ≥ 7 years and parents were recruited in two outpatient facilities providing healthcare services for children with neurological and behavioral health conditions. We collected 46, 169 and 227 pediatric patient, parent-proxy and parent reports, respectively. Convergent, divergent and discr…
Assessment of shared decision making in pediatrics: Developing German scales for patients aged 7-18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports (CollaboRATE
Abstract Objective To develop parsimonious German scales (CollaboRATEpediatric) to assess shared decision making (SDM) with patients aged 7-18 years, parents and parents on behalf of their children (parent-proxy reports), and to establish comprehensibility and preliminary face validity. Methods Based on an existing SDM scale for adults (CollaboRATE) we developed CollaboRATEpediatric in a two-step approach: (1) team-based translation of the English CollaboRATE scale into German and adaptation for pediatric patients, parents and parent-proxy reports, followed by (2) iterative revisions of the CollaboRATEpediatric scales based on cognitive interviews with patients and parents until comprehensi…