O Solovianov
W pair production cross-section and W branching fractions in $e^{+}e^{-}$ interactions at 189 GeV
The cross-section for the process e+e- -> W+W- has been measured with the data sample collected by DELPHI at an average centre-of-mass energy of 189 GeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 155 pb^{-1}. Based on the 2392 events selected as WW candidates, the cross-section for the doubly resonant process e+e- -> W+W- has been measured to be 15.83 +- 0.38 (stat) +- 0.20 (syst) pb. The branching fractions of the W decay were also measured and found to be in good agreement with the Standard Model expectation. From these a value of the CKM mixing matrix element |V_{cs}| = 1.001 +- 0.040 (stat) +- 0.020 (syst) was derived.
The Scale Dependence of the Hadron Multiplicity in Quark and Gluon Jets and a Precise Determination of $C_{A}/C_{F}$
\frac{C_A}{C_F} = 2.246 \pm 0.062~(stat.) \pm 0.080~(syst.) \pm 0.095~(theo.) Data collected at the Z resonance using the DELPHI detector at LEP are used to determine the charged hadron multiplicity in gluon and quark jets as a function of a transverse momentum-like scale. The colour factor ratio, \cacf, is directly observed in the increase of multiplicities with that scale. The smaller than expected multiplicity ratio in gluon to quark jets is understood by differences in the hadronization of the leading quark or gluon. From the dependence of the charged hadron multiplicity on the opening angle in symmetric three-jet events the colour factor ratio is measured to be: C_A/C_F = 2.246 \pm 0.0…
Hadronic Shower Development in Iron-Scintillator Tile Calorimetry
The lateral and longitudinal profiles of hadronic showers detected by a prototype of the ATLAS Iron-Scintillator Tile Hadron Calorimeter have been investigated. This calorimeter uses a unique longitudinal configuration of scintillator tiles. Using a fine-grained pion beam scan at 100 GeV, a detailed picture of transverse shower behavior is obtained. The underlying radial energy densities for four depth segments and for the entire calorimeter have been reconstructed. A three-dimensional hadronic shower parametrization has been developed. The results presented here are useful for understanding the performance of iron-scintillator calorimeters, for developing fast simulations of hadronic showe…
Measurement of the ZZ cross-section in e(+)e(-) interactions at 183-189 GeV
Measurements of on-shell ZZ production are described, using data collected by DELPHI in 1997 and 1998, at centre-of-mass energies sqrt(s) = 182.6 GeV and 188.6 GeV respectively. Results obtained in each of the final states q qbar q qbar, mu+mu- q qbar, e+e- q qbar, nu nubar q qbar, l+l-l+l-, and nu nubar l+l- are presented. The measured cross-sections for on-shell ZZ production via the tree-level doubly-resonant graphs (NC02) are: sigma_{NC02}(182.6 GeV) = 0.38 +- 0.18 (stat) +- 0.04 (syst) pb, sigma_{NC02}(188.6 GeV) = 0.60 +- 0.13 (stat) +- 0.07 (syst) pb. They are consistent with the Standard Model expectations of 0.25 pb and 0.65 pb at each energy.