Christina Birtsch
Expression of α4-1 and α5 Nicotinic Cholinoceptor mRNA in the Aging Rat Cerebral Cortex
Although important in neurodegeneration, systematic studies of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expression in normal aging human brains are difficult to perform. We have studied the expression of nicotinic receptor alpha 4-1 and alpha 5 mRNA in the frontal and parietal isocortex of 3- (young adult), 24- (late middle aged), and 33-month-old (old) rats by nonisotopic in situ hybridization. In all groups transcripts were mainly present in layer II/III and V pyramidal neurons. The numerical densities of alpha 4-1 mRNA-containing neurons with respect to those of cresyl violet-stained neurons decreased with aging in the rat frontal and parietal cortex, while those of alpha 5 mRNA-containing neuro…
Nicotinic Receptors in Human Brain
A vast knowledge is currently available on the molecular biology and the pharmacology of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) (Sargent, 1993). Only few attempts have been made to approach the expression of nAChRs at the level of functional systems, considering the different cell types involved and their connectivity. This aspect is of particular importance in order to evaluate nAChR expression under pathological conditions. Histochemical techniques have proven to be useful since immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization can be performed on human autopsy tissue and allow for a cell type-specific localization of nAChR proteins and nAChR …