E Natali
Grotta San Michele di Saracena (Cosenza): le campagne di scavo 2004 e 2005 - Appendice 1: L’industria litica delle facies Diana e Spatarella. Analisi tecno-tipologica e funzionale di un assemblaggio del neolitico finale
The beginning of the Neolithic in Southern Italy and Sicily
Abstract The process of Neolithization of Southern Italy and Sicily covers about 500 years (6200–5700 cal BC) and involves two cultural horizons: Archaic Impressed Ware or “Impresse Arcaiche” and Advanced Impressed Ware or “Impresse Evolute”. In Southern Italy the Neolithic peopling from the East is characterized by a “package” of plenty domesticated plants and livestock; in Sicily the adoption of the new economical system is apparently more slow and with no evidences of ruptures between the Mesolithic groups and first farmers. In this paper we present the chronological and cultural framework of the sixth millennium BC within the area of investigation, with an up-to-date bibliography about …