In-situ analysis of the gas-emissions of the Eastern Carpathians (Romania) using the Multi-Gas instrument
The Multi-Gas instrument is an important tool for the investigations and monitoring of volcanic systems world- wide, because it can be easily placed on a volcano and can provide real-time data on the compositional changes of the fluids that are released (Aiuppa et al., 2005, Shinohara et al., 2005). We used a specially designed Multi-Gas to gather in situ compositional information about low-temperature, CO2-rich gases, emerging from different manifestations like dry gas emissions (mofettes), bubbling pools and springs. The instrument is equipped with two IR sensors for CO2 (0-100%) and CH4 (0-7%) and one electrochemical sensor for H2S (0-200 ppm). The Multi-Gas was used during several field…