J Gadde
Peritumoral perfusion and proton spectroscopic MR imaging in the differentiation of gliomas and solitary metastases
Purpose: To asses the value of peritumoural perfusion-weighted and proton spectroscopic MR imaging in preoperative grading of gliomas and in differentiating between primary gliomas and solitary metastases. Methods and Materials: Ten low-grade gliomas, eight high-grade gliomas, and ten metastases were prospectively evaluated with MR imaging, dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced perfusion imaging, and single-voxel proton MR spectroscopy before surgical resection or stereotactic biopsy. Maximal rCBV values and maximal Cho/Cr ratios were calculated from peritumoural region surrounding the tumour. Tumour grade presumed with these values was compared to histopathologic grading. Differences in…