Glória Bastos
MINE - Mobile Learning in Higher Education
Mobile technologies are an important part of our daily life and we carry them with us all the time. Mobile learning is already used a lot in informal and non-formal learning, but in the context of formal learning it is not much used, yet. In the area of formal learning at universities, there is a great need for pedagogic scenarios to encourage educatorsto use these new technologies. It is suggested that educators will need to move beyond the didactic approaches still frequently found in higher education. Social constructivist approaches have been advocated, along with the development of communities of practice to support educators. In addition, more emphasis on learners is required, to unde…
Lessons learned from Creation of Digitally Competent Educators SLP
[Introduction] Mismatch of competences and socio-economical results of this issue is recognized as an important problem for higher education institutes (HEIs) in Europe. To cope with this issue HEIs need to create new more flexible and modular structures. In this context, a European HEIs are encouraged to create micro-credentials and short learning programmes (Futures et al., 2020). European Short Learning Programmes (E-SLPs) are one of these new and flexible structures suggested by an EU Project funded under Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform, Initiatives for Policy Innovation, "Forward Looking Cooperation Projects". SLPs have potential to respond to market needs a…