Virpi Uotinen
Testing of Virtual Toolkit with Stakeholders
The collected data reported in this document gives mainly positive feedback on Virtual Toolkit (IO2), highlighting some interesting and relevant elements that can be further developed in its final release. The group of respondents have a quite long average experience in managing inter-institutional projects and belong to the EU-defined main participants groups of Managers (22), Teachers/Trainers/Researchers/Youth workers (17), Technicians (3) and Administrative staff (5). Of the 8 indicators outlined in the original ONE Meeting Project proposal, 5 were met, 3 not. The 4 reached indicators were Usefulness & Relevance, Impact on Virtual Transnational Collaboration, Willingness to recommend to…
Design guidelines for flexible and scalable SLPs
The project “European Short Learning Programmes” (E-SLP) aims at developing networked Short Learning Programmes, which answer societal needs and provide flexibility to learners. Within the project SLPs are understood as short-term academic programs situated between singular learning units and more extensive academic programs. They offer academic training for selected topics that are of high relevance to certain target groups or introduce new skills that are highly relevant for primarily lifelong/adult learners in employment (D.2.1 E-SLP). A Short Learning Programme (SLP) is an educational programme with a sequenced set of components (units, modules or other learning building blocks). It is …
EU Projects Going Virtual : The ONE Meeting Approach
The ONE meeting approach aims to equip EU project managers and HE leadership with skills and competencies needed for making EU projects more efficient, greener and more sustainable. Our target groups can pick out what is relevant for them: The ONE Business Case provides evidence and offers tools to check the potential benefits for the environment; the ONE Virtual Toolkit offers a systematised collection of tools for virtual collaboration; and the ONE Guide presents a proof of concept and a step-by-step approach for switching to a ONE meeting only format. In the long run, we hope to impact project work on a regional, national and international level to become more sustainable and effective, …
The ONE Meeting Project : Virtual Toolkit
The Virtual Toolkit presents a selection of usable virtual tools for project staff within EU projects. The target group of this project being higher education professionals who work in cross-national projects in management, administration, research or technical support, defined the virtual tool selection and their division into categories. University of Jyväskylä (JYU) co-lead the development of the Virtual Toolkit working closely with Canice Consulting Limited (CCL) whose expertise was integrated using their earlier work on a Virtual Toolkit as a starting point. All partners in the ONE Meeting project had a significant role in the development of the Virtual toolkit. The creation of the Vir…
Lessons learned from Creation of Digitally Competent Educators SLP
[Introduction] Mismatch of competences and socio-economical results of this issue is recognized as an important problem for higher education institutes (HEIs) in Europe. To cope with this issue HEIs need to create new more flexible and modular structures. In this context, a European HEIs are encouraged to create micro-credentials and short learning programmes (Futures et al., 2020). European Short Learning Programmes (E-SLPs) are one of these new and flexible structures suggested by an EU Project funded under Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform, Initiatives for Policy Innovation, "Forward Looking Cooperation Projects". SLPs have potential to respond to market needs a…
Age identification in the framework of successful aging. A study of older Finnish people.
A person-oriented approach was used in a study of age identification among community-dwelling older people. The study was based on 8-year follow-up data; 843 persons aged 65–84 were involved in the first phase of the study, and 426 persons aged 73–92, in the second phase. Loosely, on the basis of the distinction between successful, usual, and pathological aging (Rowe & Kahn, 1987, 1997), participants were grouped according to their self-ratings of cognitive and physical functioning as “Positive,” “Negative,” and “Others.” Participants possessing at least 4 out of the 5 criteria used as indicators of successful aging in the study (no illness or injury presenting problems in daily life, …
Verkkokurssilla harjoitellaan monenlaisia opiskelutaitoja
Change in subjective age among older people over an eight-year follow-up: 'getting older and feeling younger?'.
The purpose of this prospective study was to describe changes in subjective age over an 8-year period among community-dwelling people aged 65 to 84 years in Finland. At the baseline 1155 respondents met study criteria and 451 of these participated in the follow-up study. Participants described in years the age they felt themselves to be (feel age) and their preferred age (ideal age). Discrepancy scores relative to chronological age were calculated for feel age and ideal age. No significant mean-level changes were observed in the age discrepancy scores over the 8-year time frame. The baseline discrepancy between chronological and feel age remained constant among 48% of the participants, with…
I'm as old as I feel : subjective age in Finnish adults
Virpi Uotinen osoitti väitöskirjatyössään, että subjektiivinen ikä, eli yksilön oma arvio iästään, on yhteydessä koettuun hyvinvointiin ja terveyteen erityisesti elämän jälkipuoliskolla. Iäkkäistä haastatelluista noin puolet kuvasi itseään ikäänsä nuoremmaksi ja lähes yhtä moni tunsi itsensä ikäisekseen. Pieni, usein muita huonokuntoisempi vähemmistö, piti itseään kalenteri-ikäänsä vanhempana. Haastatelluista noin puolet mainitsi senhetkisen ikänsä ihanneiäkseen. Itsensä omaa ikäänsä nuoremmaksi ilmoittaneita oli lähes yhtä paljon. Heidän kokemuksensa selittynee ikääntymistä koskevien kulttuuristen uskomusten yksipuolisuudella, jolloin yhä harvempi ikääntyvä löytää niistä itseään. The aims …
Age Identification: A Comparison between Finnish and North-American Cultures
This study examined perceptions of age among Finnish males and females in three age groups; twenty-five to thirty-nine-year-olds ( n = 446), forty to fifty-four-year-olds ( n = 482) and fifty-five to sixty-four-year-olds ( n = 427). The age perceptions of the Finnish sample were further compared with those of a North-American sample with corresponding age groups ( n = 169, n = 187, n = 222) reported by Barak, Stern, and Gould (1988). Four age concepts used were chronological age, subjective age, ideal age, and disparity age. As expected on the basis of previous studies in age identification, no difference was found between Finnish males and females in terms of subjective age. Ideal age, ho…
Perceived age as a predictor of old age mortality: a 13-year prospective study
Objectives To examine whether in older people perceived age is associated with risk of total mortality independent of chronological age. Design Prospective population-based study (Evergreen project) with mortality surveillance for 13 years after the baseline. Setting Face-to-face interview among community-dwelling residents of the city of Jyvaskyla, Finland. Subjects 395 men and 770 women aged 65-84 years at baseline. Measures Perceived physical age and perceived mental age were rated either as younger, the same or older in comparison with subject's chronological age. Death dates were received from the official register of the province of Central Finland. Confounders used were chronological…
Korkeakouluasteen avointen etäopintojaksojen suorittamisen eri vaiheiden riskitekijät
Osana opetuksen tutkimuspohjaista kehittämistä pyrimme erityisesti tukemaan etäopintoihin sitoutumista, joka on yleisesti kontaktiopiskeluun sitoutumista heikompaa. Kehitystyön tueksi kartoitimme verkkokyselyllä sitoutumisen riskitekijöitä etäopintoja suorittavilla opiskelijoilla Jyväskylän yliopiston avoimessa yliopistossa. Keskityimme opintojakson suorittamisen ajalliseen ulottuvuuteen. Riskitekijät näyttävät vaihtelevan suorittamisen eri vaiheissa. Kaikkiin etäopiskelun haasteisiin ei ole mahdollista vaikuttaa, mutta ehdotamme kehitystoimenpiteitä sitoutumisen vahvistamiseksi. nonPeerReviewed