J. J. Nuño Ballesteros
A knot without tritangent planes
We show, with computations aided by a computer, that the (3,2)-curve on some standard torus (which topologically is the trefoil knot) has no tritangent planes, thus answering in the negative a conjecture of M. H. Freedman.
Separation properties of continuous maps in codimension 1 and geometrical applications
Abstract Nuno Ballesteros, J.J. and M.C. Romero Fuster, Separation properties of continuous maps in codimension 1 and geometrical applications, Topology and its Applications 46 (1992) 107-111. We show that the image of a proper closed continuous map, f , from an n -manifold X to an ( n + 1)-manifold Y , such that H 1 (Y; Z 2 ) =0 , separates Y into at least two connected components provided the self-intersections set of f is not dense in any connected component of Y . We also obtain some geometrical applications.
Euler characteristic formulas for simplicial maps
In this paper, various Euler characteristic formulas for simplicial maps are obtained, which generalize the Izumiya–Marar formula [ 14 ], the Banchoff triple point formula [ 3 ] and the formula due to Szucs for maps of surfaces into 3-space [ 27 ]. Moreover, we obtain new results about the Euler characteristics of the multiple point sets and the images of generic smooth maps and the numbers of their singularities.
Multiplicity of Boardman strata and deformations of map germs
AbstractWe define algebraically for each map germ f:Kn,0→Kp, 0 and for each Boardman symbol i=(i1,…,ik) a number ci(f) which is -invariant. If f is finitely determined, this number is the generalization of the Milnor number of f when p = 1, the number of cusps of f when n = p = 2, or the number of cross caps when n = 2, p = 3. We study some properties of this number and prove that, in some particular cases, this number can be interpreted geometrically as the number of Σi points that appear in a generic deformation of f. In the last part, we compute this number in the case that the map germ is a projection and give some applications to catastrophe map germs.
Finitely determined singularities of ruled surfaces in 3
AbstractWe study local singularities of ruled surfaces in 3. We show that any map germ f : (2, 0) → (3, 0) with a simple singularity is -equivalent to a ruled surface. Moreover, we give a topological classification of -finitely determined singularities of ruled surfaces and show that there are just eleven topological classes.
A note on finite determinacy for corank 2 map germs from surfaces to 3-space
AbstractWe study properties of finitely determined corank 2 quasihomogeneous map germs f:($\C^2$, 0) → ($\C^3$, 0). Examples and counter examples of such map germs are presented.