Emery Sokatchev
Wilson Loop Form Factors: A New Duality
We find a new duality for form factors of lightlike Wilson loops in planar $\mathcal N=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory. The duality maps a form factor involving an $n$-sided lightlike polygonal super-Wilson loop together with $m$ external on-shell states, to the same type of object but with the edges of the Wilson loop and the external states swapping roles. This relation can essentially be seen graphically in Lorentz harmonic chiral (LHC) superspace where it is equivalent to planar graph duality. However there are some crucial subtleties with the cancellation of spurious poles due to the gauge fixing. They are resolved by finding the correct formulation of the Wilson loop and by careful analyti…
Implications of nonplanar dual conformal symmetry
Recently, Bern et al observed that a certain class of next-to-planar Feynman integrals possess a bonus symmetry that is closely related to dual conformal symmetry. It corresponds to a projection of the latter along a certain lightlike direction. Previous studies were performed at the level of the loop integrand, and a Ward identity for the integral was formulated. We investigate the implications of the symmetry at the level of the integrated quantities. In particular, we focus on the phenomenologically important case of five-particle scattering. The symmetry simplifies the four-variable problem to a three-variable one. In the context of the recently proposed space of pentagon functions, the…
Amplitudes from superconformal Ward identities
We consider finite superamplitudes of N=1 matter, and use superconformal symmetry to derive powerful first-order differential equations for them. Due to on-shell collinear singularities, the Ward identities have an anomaly, which is obtained from lower-loop information. We show that in the five-particle case, the solution to the equations is uniquely fixed by the expected analytic behavior. We apply the method to a non-planar two-loop five-particle integral.