Mira Kalalahti
Nuoriso mediassa
Poikkihallinnollisuus opinto- ja uraohjauksen hallintapuheessa
Horizontal Governance and Governance Discourses in Career Guidance and Counselling in Finland In the 2000s, horizontal governance has become a growing mode of public sector governance. In this study, we examined horizontal governance in the context of career guidance and counselling in Finland. Our empirical research data consisted of ten (10) thematic interviews with public sector officials and other experts working in the governance of guidance at the national level. Our research aim was to scrutinize how the three ideal-types in public sector governance – bureaucratic (Weberian), new public management, and new public governance – were manifested in the informants’ discourses. Our results…
Tutkijakollegiumit, tieteidenvälisyys ja huippututkimuksen ideaali
Suomesta ei löytyne yliopistoa, joka ei strategiassaan nimeäisi tieteidenvälisyyttä yhdeksi keskeiseksi keinoksi tavoitella huippututkimusta (research excellence). Tässä tutkimuksessa kysymme, millaisia käsityksiä tutkijakollegiumien johtajilla on tieteidenvälisyyden roolista huippututkimuksen tavoittelussa. Lisäksi tutkimme, miten tieteidenvälisyydelle luodaan tilaa ja mahdollisuuksia tutkijakollegiumien arjessa. Aineisto koostuu tutkijakollegiumien nykyisten ja entisten johtajien (n = 6) haastatteluista. Haastateltavat edustavat kaikkia kolmea suomalaista tutkijakollegiumia. Tutkijakollegiumeja luonnehdittiin turvasatamina suhteessa siihen, mitä nyky-yliopistoissa ei ole enää mahdollista …
Municipal Governance of Comprehensive Education : The emergence of local universalisms
The governance of Finland’s comprehensive school system has histori- cally evolved from centralised governance into a blend of national and local (munic- ipal) decision-making authority. The two-fold model of governance was launched in the 1970s according to the planning economy logic, where the national educa- tion policies were enacted and regulated through strict and detailed legislation, a redistributive and ‘earmarked’ state subsidy system and a uniform national core curriculum. At an ideological level, comprehensive reform was tied firmly to the principle of equal opportunities. However, changes in administrative thinking since the 1990s have created a new balance between governmental…
Negotiated, Given and Self-Made Paths : Immigrant Origin Girls and Post-compulsory Educational Transition in Finland
AbstractAlthough Finland still has a relatively low proportion of students with a migrant background, it has not been able to ensure that immigrants and their descendants have equal educational opportunities. Education could enhance integration but migrant backgrounds have a persistent impact. In this chapter, our focus is on post-comprehensive educational decision-making processes of immigrant origin adolescent girls, with the viewpoint of the multifaceted intertwinement of gender and ethnicity. We conceptualise the educational decisions as negotiations that adolescents have to have with their families, teachers, counsellors and peers. Within these negotiations, the negotiating parties try…