Agustí Galiana
Founder-effect speciation theory: Failure of experimental corroboration
The theory of founder-effect speciation proposes that colonization by very few individuals of an empty habitat favors rapid genetic changes and the evolution of a new species. We report here the results obtained in a 10-year-long and large-scale experiment with Drosophila pseudoobscura designed to test the theory. In our experimental protocol, populations are established with variable numbers of very few individuals and allowed to expand greatly for several generations until conditions of severe competition for resources are reached and the population crashes. A few random survivors are then taken to start a new population expansion and thus initiate a new cycle of founding events, populati…
A founder-flush-crash model of speciation has been proposed that may particularly apply to island and other colonizations. Previous laboratory experiments testing the model have given inconsistent results. We have conducted a large experiment with Drosophila pseudoobscura designed to meet the essential postulates of the model and to separately test some of the postulates. Forty-five experimental and 12 control populations have been studied during seven successive founder-flush-crash cycles, or about 50 generations. Sexual isolation tests yield significantly positive assortative mating in a few tests between pairs of experimental populations. Populations with fewer founders (N = 1 or 3) yiel…
Flush-Crash Experiments in Drosophila
In 1968, Hampton Carson (1968) proposed the founder-flush-crash model, a new model of speciation, which readily lends itself to experimental testing in the laboratory (Carson 1971).
In this paper, we report a detailed analysis intended to detect postmating barriers in experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura obtained through nine founderflush cycles. The number of offspring produced was determined in three consecutive generations of hybridization. It is found that the evolution of premating barriers, as shown by two of these populations, is not necessarily accompanied by the evolution of postmating ones. Under the founder-flush model of speciation proposed by Carson (1971), the first step in the speciation process is usually thought to be an incidental genetic change through founder effect affecting mating behavior so that sexual premating isolation evolves…
Speciation in monogonont rotifers
Monogonont rotifers are cyclical parthenogens livingin limnic habitats with considerable seasonalvariation and often with island-like features. Theoccurrence of bisexual reproduction in these organismsmakes it feasible to define ’fields for generecombination‘, i.e. biological species. In thispaper, we analyze the structure of the diversity inmonogonont rotifers using several data sets: taxonomicand intraspecific diversity as reported inidentification keys, morphological variation reportedin ecological studies, and allozyme and matingbehavior patterns. Our analysis suggests that siblingspecies may be frequent in rotifers. Monogonontrotifers seem to meet conditions for an activespeciation, wh…