B.-e. Andersson
Nuclear Interactions of 400 GeV Protons in Emulsion
Abstract We report on 400 GeV proton-emulsion nucleus reactions and compare the results to hadron-nucleus reactions at smaller energies. In particular we present results on the emission of fast target protons (essentially grey track particles) and on their correlation with the number of collisions inside the nucleus, ν, with the number of charged evaporated particles (essentially black track particles) and with the number of pions produced (essentially shower particles). We observe that the main features of the 200–400 GeV data are very similar. However, we find that the mean shower-particle multiplicity at 400 GeV is essentially higher than expected from the simple independent particle mod…
Electromagnetic polarizabilities of nucleons bound in 12C and 16O
Abstract The polarizabilities of nucleons imbedded in 12C and 16O nuclei are measured via Compton scattering of 61 and 77 MeV photons, leading to α N = (11.5±0.8±2.1) × 10 −4 fm 3 and β N = (2.5∓0.8∓2.1) × 10 −4 fm 3 in close agreement with the free-nucleon values.