D. Comelli
Hard m(t) corrections as a probe of the symmetry breaking sector
Non-decoupling effects related to a large $m_t$ affecting non-oblique radiative corrections in vertices ($Z\bar{b}b$) and boxes ($B$-$\bar{B}$ mixing and $\epsilon_K$) are very sensitive to the particular mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. We analyze these corrections in the framework of a chiral electroweak standard model and find that there is only one operator in the effective lagrangian which modifies the longitudinal part of the $W^+$ boson without touching the oblique corrections. The inclusion of this operator affects the $Z\bar{b}b$ vertex, the $B$-$\bar{B}$ mixing and the CP-violating parameter $\epsilon_K$, generating interesting correlations among the hard $m_t^4 \log m_…
Decoupling or nondecoupling: Is that theRbquestion?
The top quark is well known for the nondecoupling effects it implies in ρ and Rb. The recent experimental Rb data exhibits a disagreement with the SM prediction at more than the 3σ level. It is tempting to explore whether this might be due to nondecoupling New Physics effects, opposite to those of the top. We investigate this issue in the context of models with an extra family of right or left handed, singlet or doublet quarks. It is shown that, contrary to what
Weak magnetic dipole moments in two-Higgs-doublet models
We investigate the effects of the new scalars in a two-Higgs-doublet model on the weak magnetic dipole moments of the fermions at the $Z$ peak. Proportionality of the Yukawa couplings to the fermion masses, and to $\tan{\beta}$, makes such effects more important for the third family, and potentially relevant. For the $\tau$ lepton, the new diagrams are suppressed by $v_\tau = 2 \sin^2 \theta_W - 1/2$, or by powers of $m_\tau/M_Z$, but may still be comparable to the SM electroweak contributions. In contrast, we find that the new contributions for the bottom quark may be much larger than the SM electroweak contributions. These new effects may even compete with the gluonic contribution, if the…